Not alone

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Derek had told Athena all he knew about here kind and honestly she couldn't understand what he was trying to say. He never gave her a name or any such specifics as and throught the entire conversation she could tell he was holding something back.

"You're kind arn't natural infact I was convinced it was truley just a myth but then I saw your eyes when you lost control when you where about to kill Lottie and it hit me." She just stared at him confused her eyes never changed they where supernatrual the colour of a killer but she could never change them back. It happend the first time she discovered she wasnt human, her once grey eyes turned a violent blue and never changed back. She was stuck permantly shifted.

"What do you mean not natural? How can't we be natural if we are here? And I wasn't going to kill Lottie! I couldn't. She simply stated the panic in her voice showing through her strong persona. She was afraid of what she was did he truely believe she could kill her own sister?

"Your kind where created by a pack who wanted not only to create the perfect supernatural army but bring back a long extinct super natural. A beast that could be considered a natural disaster. Two pieces of the same puzzle a singular entity split into two to tame it until they matured enough to become one." He sighed vaguely explaining what he knew. He had to keep the details to a minium, frightened that if she knew the whole story she would find herself dead and Lottie would become more powerful than any living creature. She would be a unstoppable dark force and she would kill anyone who dared oppose her. He needed time to convince Athena to fight, to win a war she was truely born to loose. It was a strange Irony that her name was that of the might god of war when she was so destined to die at the hands of darkness.

" So I'm a ambomination, a freak! I don't even know my powers Derek and I can't control my shifts. I don't understand any off this.!" She snapped confusion traced onto her face as she tried to decode his words.

" You will, and you can." Was all he replied he needed her to become stronger, more driven and he believed that if he could defeat the Alpha and steal his power then he could save her.

" Oh, you mean steroids. Are you on steroids?" Scott called out in confusion.

"What the hell is going on with you, McCall?" The towering blonde snapped getting closer to Scott's face making Athena panic aboyt how much control the Were-pup had. As she began to walk closer to the pair in case she needed to kick a puppies butt.

"What's going on with me? You really wanna know? Well, so would I! Because I can see, hear, and smell things that I shouldn't be able to see, hear, and smell. I do things that should be impossible, I'm sleepwalking three miles into the middle of the woods, and I'm pretty much convinced that I'm totally out of my freaking mind!" Scott yelled in return the frustration of being clueless becoming too much to bare. It was time for the brunette to put a end to this coversation before someone got themselves killed. She marched over tightly grabbing the fore arm of the tall teen male.

" What the hell you little...Athena?" Jackson growled before realising who the small brunette was. She was diffrent than he remebered she used to have snow white hair and her eyes where a light shade of grey, she wore her hair in a mass of long curls and dressed like a princess but that was along time ago, when they where just children. He staired in shock as a sly smirk grew on her face.

"Hey, Jacs did you miss me?" She sarcasticly as she smirked at the tower of a boy. His blonde hair was now short but he still wore his face like he did his attitude, cocky and harsh.

"That depends, did you miss me?" He retourted. It had been years since they last met, jackson had been the only person who ever showed the girl kindness knowing how it felt to be an orphan to never know your real family, to never feel loved.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2017 ⏰

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