Heel (Jeffburr)

436 15 40

This is for http-tthopatrol

WARNING: Homophobia, angst, abuse

This had been the third time this week. Aaron had been dragged along for a slave deal by his father, dumped in front of a gang and been expected to obey their every command.

Only this time, it had ended differently.

After failing for, well, the third time this week, Aaron's father had gotten frustrated. In his rage, he left Aaron on the side of the road, yelling for the boy to fend for himself.

Aaron collapsed, cried, and felt sorry for himself for the next hour.

After he was satisfied by soaking himself in salty tears, he stood, looking around him.

The area had a cold atmosphere, apartment buildings looming over Aaron's head.

He grimaced, remembering that he was out on the street in a 'sexy' outfit of multiple straps and high heels. He shook his head, beginning to walk down the street. He could feel eyes on him, but he didn't know where from.

As his heels clacked against the pavement, his admirer began to walk behind him, kepping in time with his steps.

When Aaron stopped, the man behind him let out a low wolf whistle.

Aaron startled, staring at the man, frozen.

The man simply laughed. "Hey there lil' darlin', my name's Thomas."

Aaron gulped. "I-I-I'm Aaron."

"C'mon, let's get you someplace warm, eh? You'll freeze to death out 'ere." Thomas beckoned for the boy to follow him. After a moment's hesitation, Aaron followed cautiously.

After walking for ages, Aaron's toes felt completely numb. He didn't take the heels off though during the walk; there was glass everywhere. Thomas hadn't said anything, simply death glaring at other men as the pair walked by.

Aaron was glad that he had been found by this man, rather than walking around these streets by himself.

Soon they came to a particularly tall building, Thomas scanning a card against a panel on the wall. A heavy metal door screeched as it slid open, revealing a dimly lit interior.

Aaron continued to follow Thomas through the building, fear coursing through his veins. He didn't like the empty grey corridors at all.

Thomas suddenly turned around. "Darlin', take those damn heels off!"

Aaron nodded quickly, bending over. Thomas was looking up at the ceiling when Aaron wimpered. He looked straight back down, stress evident.

Blood poured from Aaron's feet, spilling onto the lino floor. He rushed forward, snatching the shoes from the boy. He threw them into the wall roughly, the cracking of the heel delighting him. Aaron whimpered beneath him, cowering with his hands above his head.

"S-Sorry sir." Aaron stuttered.

"For what?" Thomas dropped beside him, touching his shoulder. He frowned when Aaron flinched violently.

"F-F-For ma-akin-ing your-your fl-oors dirty." Aaron sobbed, his chest rattling from his hyperventilating.

"Nah, nah, don' worry 'bout those. C'mon, I'll carry ya." Thomas waved the blood off, then moved his arms arohnd Aaron's waist.

The boy stiffened, but didn't resist.

Thomas pulled away. "Do ya wanna walk yaself or have me carry ya?"

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