♒The haunting hour♒

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"This isn't real." I whispered, the wind beating at my hair, strands flying inside my mouth as I squinted into the abyss.

I averted my eyes before I got lost in it's complexity forever, this isn't real, I repeated spitting out more aggressively.

My heart jumped accelerating above the normal average. Every nerve and emotional control system seemed to shut down as I stood there completely paralyzed and unaware.

Then I woke up.

Honking horns followed by lengthy swearing in thick cold accents seemed to surround me, I blinked once twice.

I was on a highway?

And then I heard it, that alarming sound when your show gets interrupted because of a hurricane warning the urgent and ear piercing noise racked the entire city like an earthquake it shoke and everyone listened turning over to the broadcast airing live from the billboards and singing from the radios.

I looked left and right, begging for it to stop, circling my little space right in the middle of a busy highway by the looks of it I must've looked insane, I could make out the peak of the colossal dome, standing alone as the largest Russian Orthodox in the city, there was something vaguely familiar about it.

And very, very unsettling.

The news channels and show specials were swiftly interrupted to give an alarming report, it was like I smoked a truck load of pot and rammed by head against a wall.

The evening light was iffy and bright as the broadcast seemed to drag on, I brought two shaky hands to my head trying to withstand my headache as my vision got worse, I thought I was going to crash to the floor. Somehow the six blurry pictures airing live throughout the screens became clearer, I squinted making one person out in particular, brown wild eye's, bleak brown hair

It was....me

The man spitting out the broadcast rapidly in Danish, barely could be made out by the bushy mustache on his upper lip shoving its way down his throat.

"If you have any information about the whereabouts' of these six teenagers, please contact your current crime hotline."

Then everything else was a blur, I felt it ticking, the bomb that's been driving me crazy for days, queasily I looked down and watched my chest fall dangerously like I was having cardiac arrest.

The bomb, it was my heartbeat.

Suddenly six cars-well it wasn't very clear due to the fact I was grasping on to consciousness-

Swerved off the road, sharply drifting, spitting dirt and landed on the side walk, all directly pointed towards my little circle I've been wandering high off my ass.

Men piled out, portrayed with the Russian justice badges on the left side of their chest, surrounded me. "GET DOWN!" Everything came crashing I meet the hard concrete floor with a thud.

And my world went black.

7:56 P.M.

23 hours 45 Minutes and 12 seconds before the incident.

My back felt like hell, I've been sitting on one of those highly mobilized and upgraded buses, the ones with TV's perched three inches from your face and no leg room what so ever, cramped between Lucas which so you know hasn't stop elbowing me in the boob since he decided to play subway surfers during this hour.

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