Dreams ♥

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You: *Wokes up* 

???: Hello, sweetie. *Smiles*

You: OMG! *hugs Greyson* OMG! Greyson!

Greyson: *hugs you back*  Hi sweetie!

You: I love  you! *kisses Greyson straight to the lips*


Mom: Honey? *opens your room* Wake up! Almost time for your school! * shakes your arm*

You: I love  you, Greyson! *smiles*

Mom: Greyson! Is  that you?! 

You: *woke up immediately* Where!?

Mom: *smiles then begins to laugh* Oh dear, you just have to get out of bed. Good morning sunshine! Look, Greyson's already awake. *points at your posters* You don't wanna be late for school.  *kisses your cheeks and go down stairs*

You: *sighs* That's very close! I was near on kissing Greyson! What a dream! 

You went back to bed. [LOL xD] Then you stood up and walks out of the room. And you're like "OMG! I forgot something". Then you went back to your room. Hugs your posters and kisses it. Yeah, you're fangirling over a boy who's actually 45 and afraid of the dark. ((: Then you go downstairs.

Mom: Get ready, honey. Your service will not fetch you since it's the first day of school.

You: I know mom. *eats and get ready*

So after 30 minutes, you got ready. You went downstairs and tied up your pair of chuck taylors. You kissed your mom before leaving. Did I mention you have your 'lil bro that always make a fun of you when you fangirl. You went school with him. On the way to school, luckily, you saw your old friends.. :D

You: Hey! *waves your hands*

Friend 1: Sis! Come along!

Friend 3: So what's up?

You: As usual, I'm dating my husband after dismissal. *laughs*

Friends: *laughs*

Friend 2: Gosh, [YN]! I'm with him last night! *laughs*

Then you all went straight to your school. And your brother? He was with his friends, going also to school (: Did I ever mention that you're wearing your HOTTN black shirt, with skinny jeans together with you converse?((: You're friends were fortunately your classmates! Let's go on with the dismissal, shall we? :D You all decided to hang out at the mall with your friends. They changed their shirts with another shirt. But, the difference was that it have Greyson's face on it. You're all an enchancer. But, you're the most that fangirls over Greyson.

Friend 1: Girls! I got news for you! *rushing and smiled*

Friend 2: OMG! What's that!? *begins to freak out*

You: Greyson's gonna notice us!?

Friend 1: No. But.. *pauses and makes you all look more curious* GREYSON'S GONNA HAVE HIS CONCERT NEXT MONTH! 

You: ......

Friend 3: *panics* OMG! I can't breathe >,< I'm so excited!

Friend 2: I knoooow!  Hope my parents gonna allow me!

Friend 1: I already asked for that thingy and they said 'YES!' *jumps*

Friend 3: Same with me! I've been planning for this! *do a high-five with friend 1*

Friend 2: Uhmm.. Hey? *waves her hands in front of you* You still breathing?

You: *stood up* OMG! I'm super excited! We'll get to see his grexy and greysome face!

You all celebrated and have dinner on McDonald's since Greyson loves it (:  After that, you four went to your house. You rushed to your mom and hugged her. Your hug to her was like "Please allow me to my husband's concert"  

Mom: *gets curious* I know that look young lady.

You: *hugs your mom tighter* Please?

Mom: Alright. But-

Before your mom could finish her sentence, you jump and run all over the house! You're very excited!

Mom: Hey, [YN], for a favor.

You: Anything mom!

Mom: *smiles* Good. You'll have a piano lesson every week, okay?

You: *got even happier* Yaay! I would love to! 

You're very happy cause you really wanted to pay piano. Cause when you're still little, like 6, you played keyboard (: Then after that, you went upstairs and didn't eat dinner 'cause you had it with your friends. You open your laptop and go to twitter. And, OMG! [HAHAHA! xD] Greyson tweeted about 12s ago! 

[@greysonchance: Can't wait for my Asia tour! I think I'm gonna be stay in Philippines for a week!(:]

You retweeted it and favorited it and you replied,

[@YUN: @greysonchance OMG! We freaked out when we heard the news! I wanna see my husband soon! Wanna come over my house?((((: xD]

Of course you ALWAYS expected to be ignored..  But you checked your rinteractions..

[@greysonchance: I wanna see my lovely wife!(: RT @YUN OMG! We freaked out when we heard the news! I wanna see my husband soon! Wanna come over my house?((((: xD]

You: OMG! OMG! What just happened? *freaks out*

You thought it was just '@graysonchaance' since he don't fail on giving you heart attacks. You clicked his name and OMG! It's @greysonchance! OMG! [lol, OMG!]  You really freaked out and almost wakes every neighbor. It was passed 12AM when he replied. You saw that someone DMed you. Before you can see it, your mom came on your room, in a rush.

Mom: What's happening?

You: Greyson! My husband tweeted me! OMG! *your body is all shaking*

Mom: Oh.. *smiles* Good. SO better go to bed. You still have classes.

You: *looked at your DMs* But mom, I'll just checkk my DMs.

Mom: Go to bed.

You really felt veyr curious on the DM. Too bad your mom asked you to sleep early. Though, you can't help on thinking those things. ((:

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