Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Written by: ObitoUchiha

Sakura's POV.

When we reached the docks, Sasuke-kun wasn't there, or wasn't in eyes sight like he should be, as Naruto and I looked for our ship Kakashi Sense went to go find Sasuke-kun before it's time to set sails.

"Alright guy's keep you inter-com's turned on if you see Sasuke and get on the ship, I will try to cantact Sasuke while i search got it!?"

"Yes Kakashi sense!" We both yelled in unsion, Kakashi sense jumped into the trees above us, However Naruto and I headed for the loading dock.

"Do you think Sasuke's lost it?" I asked quietly looking down at the floor.

"Of course not he's just...out looking for us..yeah he got here last night...and this morning lost his patients and went after us heh heh" He laughed nervously, I knew he was lying but how could I not be happy he was trying to make me feel better after all!

"Okay your right or he's here somewhere, kakashi sense just over reacted, let's find him so we can prove Sasuke's not crazy!" I said as I thought about what Kakashi sense and Sasuke could have been talking about last night...and that dream.

Kakashi's POV.

Oh Sasuke why did you have to do this our ship leaves by sun down, if I don't find you by then......"Sasuke come in! Sasuke are you listening? come in!" I yelled into the inter-com but all that came back was static.

If I don't find you by then....I'll have to report back to the hokage that you've gone rouge, I don't want to have to say that about my kids.

"Sasuke please go to the loading docks! if you can hear me go to the loading docks!" Our hope of finding him is slimming! I fear at this rate.... we may never get ahold of him again!

I is getting late, the sun is setting, when the sun goes completely down I'll head back to the others, "Sasu- AHH!" I yelled as someone or something slammed into my chest, I closed my eye's as I grabbed onto a tree branch I held onto whatever bashed into me.

I opened my eye's to see Sasuke holding onto my hand gritting his teeth as we both dangled upside down, "Sasuke! I found you"

"I would say I found you" he said as he crawled up my body onto the branch.

"Where did you go?"

"No where,..... really it doesn't matter let's go" He jumped down and ran off with me hot on his tail.

Sakura's POV.

Naruto and I search everywhere but didn't see Sasuke, but we did find our ship, the crew's men were finishing up loading the supplies, we retired to the peer to wait for Kakashi sense to say he found Sasuke or to at least give us good news.

"*sigh* I guess he did leave the docks" I said

"Yeah" Naruto agreed

*ahhh* S scream from the inter-com "Kakashi sense?" Naruto said quietly into his inter-com


Naruto looked at me and smiled "He found him"

*I found you!*

'THANK GOD..CHA!!' I thought

*where did you go?!* Kakashi sense asked but we couldn't hear what Sasuke said he had us on mute, * okay guys I found him we are on our way, if we don't make it there on time make sure you are on our ship with or without us, I left maps of the area in both of your bags."

"Yes Kakashi sense but please make it on time" I replied, the com-link went dead.

Naruto looked at me "Well let's get on the ship, they have an hour....maybe we can stretch that" He said

I smiled knowing Naruto they will wait all night.

Time was passing and they only have half and hour left, I sighed as we waited on the deck, "The ship will be taking off in 30 minutes" A worker said.

"Okieh" Naruto said "Let's go talk to the captain"

"Alright!" I smiled in concern, we walked to the captains corders and knocked on the door.

"Come on in!"

"Sorry to bother you but our team hasn't made it yet" I said

"Well maybe they will make it before the thirty minute mark"

"No I talked to them they said it might be another hour!"

"well I'm sorry they will have to catch the next ship that leaves tomorrow morning"

"We can't wait that long!" I argued

"Listen I'm sorry but I have other passengers and I have to please them all it's them or you two kids" He said

"No you listen "captain" Naruto yelled "We are on a mission to protect someone, our sense and other teammate is out there trying their hardest to get here, if these passengers can't wait another 20 minutes, it could be the death of a young girl and her family, just 30 minutes! that's all we ask"

"That's not my problem!"

"NOT YOUR PROBLEM! a girl's life isn't your problem...her family?....and teenager?...human being's LIFE doesn't matter to you just so a few passengers will be please?!" The captain didn't answer

"Your just gonna let her die!!?" Naruto said "I can't stand heartless people like you!" still no replie from the captain "If yout like this then I'd rather run across the ocean then ride your ship!"

"Why,.... your words mean alot kid...why do they bounce around in my head like they matter?" the captain finally said

"What if it were your daughter...or sister....will you please set aside for another 30 minutes?" Naruto begged

We sat there in silence for a while, the captain turned around and grabbed his microphone "We will be taking off in and hour thank you" Me and Naruto smiled at each other.

We bowed to the captain "Thank you we will be sure to remember what you've done for our mission" I said.

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