From the very beginning it was all Toad's fault. A blundering, quick-talking thief, he was the one who cut a deal with the dangerous Edward P. Owl: track down the ingredients to the Seeking Solution, or else. Twenty-five thousand gorents, he'd said...
Toad hopped off the buggy as it passed the bakery. His arms and legs trembled with exhaustion from gripping onto the buggy for so long. The moment his feet stood on solid ground, his legs gave out and he wobbled sideways, seeking refuge in a vacant alleyway. He leaned up against the wall but his legs refused to hold him. He slid to the dirty pavement, legs shaking, heart quivering. He was home. For a moment, Toad took it all in, relishing his return to the city he loved.
But the question remained: What to do now?
Should he go to Owl without the ingredients? That seemed stupidly dangerous. But where else would Melena be, if not with Owl? Was she already at the big, bricked house? Or was she wandering the streets, asking passersby the way, for Toad was sure Melena had never heard of Owl before he'd broken into her apothecary.
He could wait on the lane outside Owl's house. Hide in a bush, or something. And if she was already inside?
Toad gulped. Well, he'd sneaked into Owl's house once. He could do it again.
Toad got back to his feet, trying to ignore his aching muscles, and ran out of the alley just as an old woman crossed in front of him. Toad barely had time to jump out of the way, but his arm caught her bag, sending it flying into the air. Shopping goods scattered onto the sidewalk.
"You earworm!" the old lady shrieked as onions rolled. "Look where you're going!"
"Sorry," said Toad. "Didn't see you."
"Didn't see me!" the woman screeched, indignant. "I was standing right here!"
"Sorry!" As Toad hurried away, an onion bounced off his back.
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"Where would you like to get dropped off?" asked the red-haired woman, as Hickory shops swept past the buggy's windows.
Melena shot a covert glance down at Joe, who gave the tiniest of winks.
"This'll do."
The woman leaned forward and rapped on the glass behind the driver. He pulled up on the reins and the buggy sidled up to a curb.
"I hope your brother likes his gift," said the woman as Melena and Hazel stepped down from the buggy.
"Thank you!" said Melena. The woman gave a short nod, shut the door and the buggy moved back into action.
"All right Joe," said Melena at once. "Where is he?"
"21st Street, East Hickory."
Melena spun on the spot, trying to get her bearings. She shouldered her knapsack, and with Hazel perched on the other, set off.
"Quickly, m'lady!" Joe urged.
Melena broke into a run, weaving through pedestrians. She zinged around a corner —