I taste you on my lips, I can't get rid of you.

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Louis POV

Waking up with my back pressed against Harry's chest was just as good as I expected it to be. He starts to stir in his sleep, and I'm glad because the heat coming off of his body is starting to suffocate me. I didn't expect this to be happening so fast, but I guess I could only say that if I knew what was happening. What the hell is happening? He hums and turns over so he is laying on his back. My body is on his right arm, so I can't imagine how numb it is. His left arm was lying on my side before he decided he was going to wake up.

"Mhm...Louis?" I realize that he hasn't called me Lou since the time I snapped on him, I feel slightly bad for that now, but not much. He was being a jerk and I don't regret it. To be honest, I'm okay with him calling me Lou or any nick name for that matter, only him though.

"Yes?" I turn over so I can look at him. We took our shirts and pants off last night, but kept our underwear on. It was a good thing that Harry likes to change his toothbrushes every month, that way there was one for me. I'll keep this one right here. He told me as he placed the toothbrush in it's holder. Assuming this isn't just a one time sleep over? He cheekily winked at me and I smiled and shook my head.

"M'just makin' sure you're still here." Why would I leave? I want to ask him. He knows what it's like at my house, some of it at least. He doesn't know that my step dad beats my mom too. I guess that's something we have in common. Maybe I'll tell him soon.

"I'm still here."

"Well duh." He leans over to press his lips to mine, but I back away before he can reach me. "Why'd you do that?" He pouts at me.

"I'm not okay with morning breath mister." He glares at me but decides to keep his mouth shut. He rolls out of his bed and stumbles his way to the bathroom. I hear the water turn on and some scrubbing. I know that he is brushing his teeth now.

I decide to sit up on the bed a look around a little bit. He has white curtains hanging in his windows and he has some clothes lying on the floors. Some of them are girls underwear. I scrunch my nose up in disgust as I hear the door to the bathroom open. Harry runs up to me with all his force and it took everything I had in me not to prepare to shield myself or to run. He lands on me with a thud. Not giving me time to respond he kisses me. An explosion of total peace and serenity overwhelmed me, and I hope it was the same for him. It's completely different from last nights, but I have no clue what changed in the course of 8 hours.

He pulled away before we both had some problems that we are just not ready to solve around each other, much less together. The only thing that I could think of was wow. How is he okay with kissing me with morning breath, but I can't do it to him? That doesn't seem fair in the slightest. Would he want me to change that about myself? We still haven't said anything to each other, just staring. He breaks out into a smile before a beeping phone interrupts our moment.

He reaches over into my pants pocket on the floor after he cheeks his own phone for a text. He looks at the phone to see who it is, and I have to hold back my rude comment about him being nosy.

His nose scrunches up at the phone as I snatch it away from him. Apparently it's been going off all night because when I looked at it, it had 4 texts from Nick and 1 text from Unknown. The text from Nick had come earlier this morning and late last night. The text that just came in was from the Unknown person.

"Why'd you scrunch up your nose?" I ask him as I open up the text from the unknown number. I omit the text from Nick, I can text him back later.

"Because first of you have Nick's number and second with emojis? Ew." I look at him. Jealous Harry is now my favorite Harry.

"It's just the alien emoji." I tell him simply. My eyes scan over the text and I stop breathing completely. My mouth must have fallen open or something because Harry noticed something was wrong quickly.

"Louis...what's wrong?...Louis?" He was saying something to me, but my brain was filled with confusion, fear, dread. Who is this. Harry grabbed he phone from my hand seeing that is the source of my sudden mood change.

"Count for me, Louis." He read out loud in a questioning tone. "What does that mean?"

"Its-s what..." I take a deep breath trying to calm myself. "It's what your dad used to say to me...w-when he..." I choked back a sob tears streaming. Harry came closer and wiped the tears from my face. "When he spanked me..." My voice is quiet, I was sure he hadn't heard me when he hadn't said anything, but I was wrong. He heard loud an clear.

"It's okay, Louis. It's alright." I pushed him away from me. How could he say that? It's okay? NO. It's not okay, and it never will be. I'm fucked up. This whole situation is fucked up.

I hear Harry mumble to himself. "What a great way to start the morning off."

A/N Definitely not the longest, but I'll update again :3

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