Don't Call Me Lou.

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~Harry's POV~

I'm coming out of my last class for the day, walking toward my Lexus., when I see Louis. I'm making my way toward him about to 'apologize' for snapping at him. To be honest, I'm not sorry at all. Louis doesn't have to know that though. What I said to him this morning is all over school.

Some people are making things up, saying, I was yelling at him for spreading rumors about me. I think the worst one I heard was, I was yelling at him for giving me herpes, and he yelled at me for giving him genital worts? I hope knowing believes that one. No one knows the real reason except for Louis and I.

I'm a few steps away from him when none other than, Nick Grimshaw, struts up to him. I can't tell what they are saying, I've never been good at lip reading. I see Nick step closer to him almost likehe wants to reach out and touch him. He smiles. I wonder is Louis smiling back? I hope he isn't. He's mine. I can see the blush on Louis' cheeks from here. Does he know he's blushing? He isn't reacting to his own blush. What even. 
Nick leaves and I walk closer to Louis' back trying not to make a sound.

~Louis POV~

I'm still sort of swooning over this Nick kid, but it makes sense, because he's only left my presence a couple of seconds ago. Sudden;y I feel hands on my shoulders. I tense up, but I don't scream. Darkness washes over me as I begin to have a flashback.


I sit quietly in my chair at the kitchen table eating a bowl of oatmeal when I feel big hands on my shoulders. Hands that shouldn't be there. Hands that shouldn't be gripping me so tightly. I tense up forcing down a scream. This happens to often for me to be surprised anyway. A rough voice interrupts my cloudy mind.

"You ready?"

The man with the very unappealing raspy voice says to me. I smell cigarettes on him. He doesn't wait for my reply because he knows he isn't going to get one.

I'm never ready.

Flashback over

A let out a subtle sob, has he found me? I feel the figure move behind me. His face is next to my ear.

"Why are you crying?" I don't respond. I close my eyes tightly trying to drown out the sound of his voice. He's back. This is his voice, dead on. I feel the man step in front of me. He drops his hands form my shoulders and I hear him clearing his throat. "Open your eyes." It's a demand. I open them immediately. I'm not going to disobey him this time, I learned the hard way.

I open them only to find Harry Styles. My throat runs dry as I gasp for the air that I lost. I stumble back almost falling on my ass. I wasn't expecting him, or anyone other than him to be clear. Harry's arms extend to catch me when he sees me stumbling.

"Whoa! You okay?" He tries to stifle a laugh, but he let's a small escape through his perfect lips that everyone wants to kiss. I glare at him ripping my arm away from him.

"I don't know what the fuck you think is so funny! You scared the shit out of me, dick!" I scream at him, not caring one bit that people are, once again, staring in our general direction. His eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"What did I-" I cut him off by moving past him quickly, showing that I'm not listening to him. I hear his feet moving behind me.

"Wait, Lou! What did I do?" I swirl around making him bump into me. I shove a finger at his chest harshly.

"Don't you ever call me Lou. You don't fucking know me like that Harry Styles, and don't think for a second that you do." I tell him in a shockingly calm voice, sending shivers down my own spine, not to mention his probably.

"I'm sor-" He cuts himself off this time when he sees me pull out a slip of paper from my pocket. Nick had given me his number right before he left. I slipped my phone out of my pocket typing in his number and pressing call.

"Who are you calling? I'm trying to apologize he-" He stops short, because my voice drowned him out. I plugged one finger in my ear while my other one was to the phone so I couldn't here him. I hear Nick answer and a small smile slips unto my face at the sound of his voice.

"Ello, who is this?"

"It's Louis. Hi." I whisper the last part.

"Oh, hello Louis, you ready for that coffee date right now? Eager are we?" I smirk at the part where he calls it a date. Harry is hovering over my shoulder glaring down at me. I move away a little bit trying to get him away from me, so he won't be breathing down my neck.

"Date? Well now, Nick I thought you said it was just as friends." I smile into the phone.

"Oh, it will be until you consider it otherwise. I'm already at that point babe. I didn't know if you'd be comfortable with that just yet." He sounds like an angel. How can I resist?

"I-it can be a date? I dunno...uh. Hold on." I turn around to face Harry holding my hand over what I hope is the part where Nick can hear what I'm saying. "Don't you have somewhere to be, Harry?"

He looks at me like a wounded puppy.

"" I stare at him seeing if he is going to catch the jist of what I was trying to say. He doesn't. Looks like I'm going to have to be mean. I mean as mean as you can be to someone like Harry Styles.

"Leave Harry. I'm busy." He ignores me.

"Why are you talking to Nick?" I points at the phone.

"Because it's a fucking free country." I say smartly. I don't need his approval on who to talk to. I put the phone to my ear again, I begin speaking, a little louder than before. "Can you come pick me up? I'm still at school, sorry for making you turn around, I know you were probably on your way home, but...but we can take that date now?"

I can practically hear him smiling on the other end. "Sure, doll."

I can feel Harry glaring a hole into my back.

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