Chapter two: Breaking the news

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Briar's P.O.V

  I set the pregnancy test on the floor while I waited to see if it were true. All three of them said positive. I curled up in a ball and cried. I heard a knock on the door.

"Briar? Why are you crying?"

"It's okay, nothings wrong just go away."

"Tell me what's wrong before I come in there." I debated on whether to get up. If he came in and saw the test he'd know or in like 2 months he'd now when I start to show. Then he'd be mad at me for not telling him.

"Briar? Please tell me what's wrong." I cried harder. Everything was quiet for a minute then my brother decided to break down the door.

"Oh My. Bri please tell me it's not what I think it is." I nodded and kept crying.

" Please tell me it was at least someone you knew, perhaps your mate?" I nodded.

"It was my mate. But he doesn't want anything to do with me or my kids."

"Wait..what do you mean kid(s)" I looked down.

"I could hear three heartbeats. Mine, one and two." I pointed and looked at my stomach.

" We'll get through this okay. When you start to show we'll get the babies out of you."

"Like an abortion?" He nodded.

"I am not killing these kids for their mothers stupid mistake." I got up and walked to my room.

'Wait Bri. I'm sorry....can I ask you something?" I nodded.

"Who's your mate?"

"Ky. Ky Parker." He stormed out of the room and I heard the front door slam. I shrugged and went to get a shower. I had to be 'perfect' for my parents, If I wasn't I got beat.

Δ§Δ§Δ§Δ§Δ§Δ§Δ§Next Day Δ§Δ§Δ§Δ§Δ§Δ§Δ§Δ§Δ

I got up and went to get a shower. I ran to the toilet and puked. I was already getting tired of this. Good thing for werewolves we are only pregnant for about 6 months. because we are a hybrid so we're faster. I was getting bigger each day.

  I put my hair into a messy bun, put on a way oversized sweatshirt, leggings, and a pair of black UGGs.  Before I out on my sweatshirt I stopped and admired my stomach. It was four more inches added on to what I usually have. Which isn't much but not everyone knew that. The only people were my parents, Ashley, Kyle and now Ky. And me of course but I still made it look like I was overweight.(No offense to fluffy people.)

I went by Ashley's to pick her up. The first thing she said when she got in the car was,

" Are you pregnant? Does Kyle know? Do your parents know?"

"Yes. Yes. No."

"Yay, I'm an auntie." I chuckled and turned into the parking lot. We stepped out and I think everyone knew something was up. If they listened hard enough. They would hear my baby(s) heartbeat(s). I'm still not sure if there is two of them but I think so.

We walked through the doors and I suddenly locked eyes with him. Him being Ky. He came towards me. Ashley and I ran off somewhere so he wouldn't come near me. We were wrong. He came into the girls bathroom and Alpha commanded Ashley to leave. She had no choice. He looked at me.

"Are you really pregnant?" I nodded.

"Is it mine?" I nodded again.

"Well I don't want it." I was shocked.

"What do you mean you don't want it? Its your child. I couldn't make it without you. You helped." He shook his head.

"I, Ky Keith Parker, Reject Briar Grey." My mouth dropped open. Then I felt the pain.

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