Winning to go to China

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It was 6am and it was the earliest that Mari had woken up for school. When Mari saw what time it was she just decided to get ready for school, in case she went back to sleep and was late for school AGAIN!

 When Mari saw what time it was she just decided to get ready for school, in case she went back to sleep and was late for school AGAIN!

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She choose to wear her black high waisted shorts, maroon shirt, a maroon rose headband, her watch and her converse to school that day. She also kept her hair in her signature ponytails.
(Time skip to school)[i might do this a lot sorry]
Alya- Where's Mari she's going to be late?
Mari taps on Alya's shoulder.
Mari- I'm right here Alya.
Alya- Holy Crap Mari! You scared me half to death!
Mari- Sorry Alya. (While trying not to laugh)
Alya- Common girl schools about to start let's go to our seats.
Mari- K!
Mrs. B- Hello class I've got some exciting news! We all are going to see the Princess's of China's coronation for her to become the Queen!
Everyone in class- YESSSS!!!
Chloe- ughhh I don't even need this invite with all of you I'm the Princesses best friend so I was already invited.
Mari- awwwww! Chloe you tried to make a joke! Trust me Chloe this Princess is so not friends with you.
Chloe- Maritrash shut up! No one likes you so go to the trash where you belong.
Mrs B- Chloe principals office now, and everybody else go home and pack you have only today and tomorrow to pack we are leaving going to China two days from now.
Mari- Alya want to come to my house I have to tell you something.
Alya- Sure girlfriend!
(Time skip to Mari's place)
Mari- Now Alya I have i secret that I'm going to tell you and it must stay a secret until the coronation.
Alya- K what it is?????
Mari- I'm the Princess of China!
Mari- So do you want to be one of my lady's in waiting/ best friend to the princess?
Alya- Awwwww YES PLEASE!!!
Mari- Great let's go pack!!!!
Alya goes to pack her stuff at home. While Mari starts to pack all of her formal wear, shoes, makeup, regular clothes, tiaras, hair accessories, and everything else she needs.
(FYI Ladybug and chat noir are not in this. Tikki and Plagg are but not as Kwamis. Tikki's a maid and Plagg's a butler that's married to Tikki.)

Princess Marinette of China[Complete]Where stories live. Discover now