The Pool Party

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(Mari's point of view)

All of us got out of the plane and went to get our luggage. Whenever a person from China saw me they would all bow and I would bow back, but secretly so that none of my classmates asked me what I was doing. Alya asked me why they were doing this, and I said it was because I'm home and I'm their princess.

Mrs. B: Okay everyone, lets put our bags in the bus, so that we can go to our hotel then have a pool party how does that sound?

Everyone: Yeah lets have a pool party!

(Time skip to the pool party)

I was waiting for Alya to come out of the bathroom with her bathing suit on, so that we could finally got down to the party.


Me: Oh yeah, I didn't tell you that I had a six pack?

Alya:NNOOOOO! You most certainly didn't! By the way I love your swim suit.

Alya:NNOOOOO! You most certainly didn't! By the way I love your swim suit

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Me: Thanks Alya I like yours too.

Alya: Thanks girlfriend, now lets go down to the party and have the boys fall and drool over us or rather your abs

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Alya: Thanks girlfriend, now lets go down to the party and have the boys fall and drool over us or rather your abs. Hey maybe Kim will ask you out and make Adrian jealous enough for you to date you?

Me: OMG! That would be funny but he would only want me for my abs. Come on lets go.

Down at the party both Alya and I were holding our towels at our stomachs, and put them on a chair for each of us.

Chloe: What Mari to scared to show your stomach to this perfection. (As she puts her hand on her stomach that has a little bump and wouldn't compare to my six pack.)

Alya: Oh really Chloe then what does this six pack mean to you then. 

She turns me around and shows my six pack and almost everyone gasps. 

(Adrien's point of view)

My jaw literally when Mari turns around, and so does everybody else's. Nathaniel looks like he's drooling, Nino doesn't seem to care as he's blushing while looking at Alya. Kim looks like he might faint and does Alix. All the other girls are squealing and asking her how she got them. Chloe isn't saying anything because she is in shock and is growing red from anger and finally turns and goes away.She's even blushing and trying to cover them up with her arms and it looks so cute when she tries to hide her stomach.  

Kim and Alix: HOLY SHIT MARI! How do you work out!

Mari (While blushing): I am very athletic and work out everyday or every other day. 

(Mari's point of view)

I 'm finally able to escape and dive into the pool and swim away from my classmates until I feel arms around my waist. I look behind me and see Adrien.

Me: W-w-w-what are y-y-you d-doing?

Adrien: Well I caught you, as you can see, and since I did I thought about playing a game lets see who can swim the fastest to the other side of the pool.HMM?

Me: O-o-o-okay.


Nino: OKAY 3-2-1 GOOOOOOO!

Adrien and I race and are equal in the race and the race ends in a tie between us.

Me: That was fun!

Adrien: Yeah!

Mrs B.: Okay everyone time to go back inside and get ready for bed!


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