The Finale!!

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Heyyyy guys!!

I hope you like this chapter!!!

I've really enjoyed writing this chapter!!!

This is a longer chapter!!

Enjoy Chapter 3!!

The next day at school, I watched Ashley more carefully. Whenever I brought up where she was from she got this scared look in her eyes and changed the subject. Finally I decided that it was time to confront her.

"Why are you acting so weird? It seems like anytime I bring up either your past or missing people you change the subject." I looked her over suspiciously.

"W-what do you mean? I-I don't know what you're talking about." She quickened her pace.

I grabbed her arm and swung her around, "Tell me what you're hiding or I'm going to leave."

"Wait! Ok so I kinda know something about a missing persons case that I am definitely not supposed to know." She let out quickly.

"What do you know?" I growled out through clenched teeth.

The scared look returned to her eyes. "Okay, I will tell you but you can't hate me okay?"

"Fine," I forced out.

"I know that your sister is missing, and I may or may not know of an old case that is a lot like it. The guys name was Harry Richard and he used to kidnap girls by charming them into his vehicle. Normally, the girls were upset at the time and he comforted them and invited them to go to a coffee shop with him. They would agree and he would kidnap them, and after holding them for a long time he would murder them and drop the body at a hidden location." She rushed out.

This would all make sense, I was fighting with my sister before she went missing and she was upset. "Since you know all of this, can you help me find her?"

"That's the problem, Harry Richard was arrested 6 years ago. He had a son, but the kid killed himself after his father got hung."

"Let's do some digging then, the guy might be a copycat."

Ashley smiled, "Okay let's do it."

We went to her house since her parents were out of town on business. We used her computer and looked up similar cases, not finding a match until 1:30 am.

"Gwen wake up! I found something." Ashley squealed excitedly.

I opened my eyes and looked at the screen groggily, "What did you find?"

"It's a case from about a week ago, this girl went missing after fighting with her boyfriend and has yet to be seen." her eyes were lit up like a little kid on Christmas. "Her name is Bethany Jacobs, she is 16 and went to school at Kingsville high."

"My sister's name is Allie, she is 17 and she went to Kingsville her freshman year. She moved schools because of the drama but I think that this case is a match!"

After we were done celebrating our success, we passed out on her couch.


She won't shut up about her boyfriend, it's getting on my nerves. She is mine. She keeps telling me that her name isn't Lillian but I know that she's lying. I've known her my whole life, she can't lie to me.


Ashley and I worked on the case the whole day that Wednesday. We found an abandoned house near the edge of town. It was near an old coffee shop that Allie used to love.

"We need to go to that old house. I think we can find something." I looked at Ashley, tears were welling up in my eyes. "We need to find her."

"Okay, let's go." She looked at me.

"Like, right now?" I gave her a confused half smile.

"Ya, let's go catch that killer."

When we got to the old building, my nerves were freaking out. It was an old, (falling apart) two-story house. We walked up to the front door and pushed it open slightly. There was a kitchen to my left, stairs straight ahead going to the basement, and a living room to the right. I shuddered and headed for the basement.

"Let's try down here first," I suggested.She nodded slightly and gulped before taking the lead.

As soon as we got to the basement I heard whimpering. I rushed over to a half broken door and shoved it open as hard as I could. There was a girl tied to a chair with blood running down the side of her face. It wasn't  Allie though, it was Bethany. My sister was laying in the corner of the room, lifeless. As much as it hurt, I went for Bethany first. I knew that Allie was already gone.

I untied Bethany and reached for my phone.

"911, what's your emergency?" came a voice.

"I'm at an old abandoned house on 266 silver street. There are two young girls." my voice started to break, "One is my sister, she is dead. One is a girl named Bethany Jacobs, she is fighting for her life come as soon as possible."

Then I hung up the phone. I hurried over to Allie and dropped to my knees, holding her to my chest crying. "Why? Why?" I screamed.


We didn't find the killer until 2 weeks later. He was a copycat of Harry Richard, his name was Alex Masterson. Bethany lived and is now being hospitalized for many injuries, but she will be okay. Allie, was almost to far gone to save. She is going to be ok though. Slowly, but surely, our family is coming back together.

That's the end!!

Huge shoutout to Punk09 !! You are the one that suggested the ending.... it was originally supposed to be that Allie does die, but they suggested the alternate ending!!

Now that I think of it, if enough of you guys want me to continue this I will. Just comment "Continue" if you do.

Don't forget to Vote, comment, and share!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️


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