The silence splits me open 3

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A/N: I think I have never Googled as much as I have today and yesterday. You see, I wanted to check few facts before writing further. I placed this story to certain period of time (you might guess it, even though the title is from song from the latest album and I don't name the cities they are in) and even though it is otherwise fully fiction I wanted to know where they are going and blah blah. Thank you all readers and voters and commenters! That being said, here you go:


"Bourdie! Get up! No time to sleep all day. We are at the venue", Dave punched him through the curtain startling him. Shit, I slept really long, he thought looking at the clock on his phone. The show would start in some hours.

"We will go inside, see you there", the bassist continued.

"Yeah..", Rob groaned leaning on his elbows. Shit, he remembered his wrist then. The t-shirt had soaked a lot of blood and then dried on the wound. It hurt to pull it off and it started to ooze blood instantly. He bit his lip hard kind of satisfied. It had been long time since he had done something that made him feel tiny bit better. He peeked out from the bunk making sure he was alone and jumped out. Pulling quickly pants and shoes on he threw the t-shirt in his bag and searched for another one. "Fuck." He realized then that even the long sleeves would make questions arise. Grunting he headed to the toilet to rinse the wounds and get some gauze from the emergency package. That will do, he thought after he had gotten the gauze on. Then he pulled the shirt on, took a coat with him and walked out from the bus.

The bus was parked under the venue in a huge parking garage. It was freaking cold and he shivered and walked inside quickly.

"Finally. We need to get the sound check done", Mike rushed him onward. Rob rolled his eyes and followed the emcee.

"Slept well? At least you slept long", the guitarist greeted him at the stage.

He nodded smiling slightly. His stomach growled same time and he remembered he hadn't eaten in long time. Maybe they had something nice at the catering.

Sound check was quickly over and they headed backstage. There was a delicious smell of food lingering in the air and they all headed to get something to eat. Rob got a plate of veggie pasta and sat with the others. Joe was talking with Dave about the venue and how they should change the set list. Mike and Chester were joking about something that didn't interest him. He stared at the plate and felt again the same nausea build up. Eat. You have to, he thought.

"Hey... Did you open the present yet? You didn't say anything so...", Brad poked him softly.

Yeah, he had had birthday few days ago but didn't even open the presents. He didn't deserve them. They just added more attention and he didn't want it.

"Oh.. No, not yet", he stared at the food still. Guess I have to today. Don't want them to feel bad either, he thought piercing the pasta with his fork and putting it in his mouth.

"Please do! Today? I want to hear what you think", the guitarist smiled to him excitedly. Rob just contented to nod back and focused back to the food. More like focusing himself not to think too much. He managed to eat most of the food and was happy with the accomplishment.

-Brad POV-

There he was. Looking crappy still. At least he did sleep long so maybe he rested well too. Don't know what the problem is but I have to ask soon. Not eating and barely talking isn't like him. Well the barely talking is, but now he has been totally lost in his own thoughts. And again looking at the food like it was pile of crap. And it really wasn't. It smelled delicious and tasted too. He must have lost lots of weight too. Or gotten bigger shirts. Maybe he has some worries back at home that he doesn't want to talk about. Must be something like that. Gotta ask him about the present too. Weird that he hasn't said anything, he must love it.

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