When life leaves us blind 19

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A/N:  Yeah! Smut, fluff and tiny bit of angst. Cause I looooove roller coasters.

So warning for the sex. And the song isn't obviously written by me but LP.

Enjoy ;)


Morning came quicker than ever and Brad slipped under Rob's arm before he would wake up. He did want to surprise the drummer. Instead of heading down to make some breakfast he got the acoustic guitar down from the wall and tuned it trying not to wake up the other yet. Rob was almost an x sleeping on his stomach other arm hanging over the edge of the bed. The blanket covered only his ass leaving also his legs bare.

Brad grinned and shook his head. He could have surprised him different way too but maybe the guitar was nice a nice change. Tossing the clothes from the chair he sat down and started to play. After getting the melody to what he wanted he closed his eyes to sing:

We swim against the rising waves and crash against the shore

The body bends until it breaks, then sings again no more

The winds have torn the flesh away, the early morning sings no more

After he was finished he was sure the drummer would be still sleeping and he would have to do it again. But instead there were two lovely brown eyes staring at him in awe when he opened his eyes.

"Didn't know you sing so well", Rob gave him an amazing smile and Brad just wanted to go and squeeze him cause he was so cute.

He yawned and continued, "And I didn't know this thing of yours included singing anyway."

"Well... Now it did. That's just something I wrote before we headed on the tour", the guitarist blushed just tiny bit. He wasn't the blushing type but he was still flattered. And hadn't really had half naked men in his own bed before.

"Mike should hear that", the other turned himself just slightly so he could see Brad better.

Brad laughed and shook his head, "No, he really shouldn't. Cause then he will make me sing on a record."

"And then I wouldn't have it only for myself. Okay, let's not tell Mike", the drummer laughed too.

Brad hanged the guitar back to its place and leaped on the bed. "Aaawwww Robbie! That's so cute when you say I'm yours."

"Well you are", Rob gasped when he felt Brad's cold hands on his bare back traveling around to his chest to hug him.

And then Brad's soft lips were on his neck making him smile.

"What do you wanna do today? I think I ask this all the time but... I just want that you're having good time. And when you're enjoying yourself then I am too", the guitarist whispered pressing his chin on the back of Rob's shoulder.

"Could we... Well maybe do something that a normal couple would do? Obviously we can't go to movies or have a dinner outside but maybe watch movies here?", Rob turned around throwing an arm over the guitarist.

Brad smiled and nodded, "Anything you want."

"But I need to get some clean clothes from my place today too", the drummer continued staring at Brad's eyes.

"Let's do that after breakfast. Then the rest of the day is just leisure", the guitarist nodded again.

"I need to go alone", Rob mumbled. He had no idea to what state he had left his house and he didn't want that there would be any surprises. Not like he would have anything real to hide but thinking about his house and Brad standing there made him feel horrible.

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