I've been searching for the courage to face my enemies 10

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A/N: Geez, already chapter 10! Can't believe it... This chapter is kinda filler but also lighter one. And who doesn't love some bourdelson? Lol. Enjoy!


Once again in the bus. They had played few shows and now again more than ten hours to drive. And sleep in the bus. Brad has been confused ever since they had the encounter with the drummer. He didn't know should he talk with him about the cutting or not. He felt being responsible but on the other hand he knew how stubborn the drummer was. And then the kiss. It wasn't as easy after all as he had thought. Rob had said it to be his best night in ages but still he didn't know what that even meant. First he had thought to talk with Chester about it, but then he realized respecting Rob's privacy would be more important.

"What's up?", Mike asked noticing his frown.

"Nothing really. Just tired. I should go to sleep soon I think", he shook his head. Mike nodded and left him alone. He sighed and lowered his forehead to the table. Too much drama, too much stuff to think, he thought.

Then he noticed the drummer who was apparently trying to escape the noise in the back. Rob froze and looked clearly annoyed that Brad was there. He frowned and turned to get back.

"Rob. Stop the running", the guitarist whispered. He didn't have high hopes that the drummer would listen but he could at least try.

"I'm not running. I just want to be alone", Rob sighed.

"Exactly. You're running. Swallow your pride already. Could we finally have a proper talk?", Brad tried.

Rob stopped to think. He didn't want it. But maybe, just maybe he needed to change the pattern how he did things.

"Fine. But I don't want a lecture", he sat down staring at the guitarist who's curls bounced when he leaned back surprised by the sudden change of mind.

"Okay, I promise", he held then his hands up.

They sat there quietly for a while staring at each other. Brad wished he could read minds. This would be so easy then. Or more like they wouldn't have even ended to that situation in the first place.

"So... Do you wanna tell me why?", he started then.

"Why what?", Rob frowned. He felt the lecture approaching.

"Why you cut. I don't.... I won't judge. I just want to understand", Brad fiddled his Coke can.

"I don't know. Guess it makes me feel better. The physical pain takes away the emotional. At least for a while", Rob sighed.

"And...was it cause of me?", the guitarist continued.

"No. Yes. Fuck.. Umm... I don't know. Not at first but then you said that it was mistake and... I don't really think it is your fault but that was just the way I wanted to deal with it", Rob groaned frustrated. He didn't want to talk about his feelings but now he was going to try. Only problem was that he doesn't know how cause he doesn't even know how to explain them to himself.

"Okay... So basically the mistake was that I said it was a mistake?", Brad bit his lip.

"Yeah", the drummer nodded dropping his gaze.

"So... Does that mean you have feelings for me?", the guitarist dared to ask. He was so afraid of the answer but he knew he had to ask.

"I.... don't know. It just felt so nice. Like I was being wrapped into giant cotton ball. Safe and comfortable", he smiled to the memory.

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