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(Y/N)'s POV

I'm sitting on my bed trying to watch the most i can of the Try Guys' new video, The Try Guys Bake Bread Without A Recipe. On the screen i see Eugene smiling innocently and looking directly into the camera whilst pouring a whole bottle of beer into his bread mixture. I giggle, "Same Eugene! Saaame!" My roommate walks in after a long day of work, his name is Adam. Yes my roommate is a guy! But we're just best friends, we've know each other since like 5th grade. "You watching the Try Guys again?" He chuckles as he pounces onto the couch, sitting right next to me. I smile and nod not looking away from the screen. I've been watching Buzzfeed since almost the beginning of the channel and once i saw Eugene on Buzzfeed i think i almost fainted. I never lost interest in Eugene, "UGH Why is Eugene so perfect?!" I scream. Adam covers his ears, "What happened now?" I jump up, "EUGENE WON AGAIN!" Adam laughs, "Well.. that's Eugene for ya" he smirks and puts his jacket on, "I'm heading out. Seeya!" He salutes and walks out the door. I look at the time, "Hmm.. i guess its time!" I go out and look for a job. Yes.. i've been using my savings for a while but i'm starting to loose money and i need a job desperately, "Cafes.. Restaurants.. i could be basic and work at Starbucks.." i go back home and sit on my bed. I go on my laptop and rewatch Keith wedding, crying over the beautiful wedding once again. Wait.. Then it clicked.. i could work at Buzzfeed! I smiled at my geniusness, in college i got a degree in Pop dancing and video editing. This could totally work! I got to the Buzzfeed website and see two spots open, oh nevermind one spot left. I couldn't let it pass by me so i quickly called the Buzzfeed boss. I smiled at the stupid name i thought of. "Hello this is the Buzzfeed Corporation President's Assistant, I know it's a long name... My name is Emily (Made up name) how may i help you?" I take a deep breath and exhale, "Hi! My name is (Y/N) (Your middle and last name) and i was wondering if i could apply to work at Buzzfeed?" I here her writing down some stuff before answering, "Of course! There is one spot left, lucky you!" She giggles before continuing, "I could get you a interview, would 3:40pm today be a good time for you?" A large smile is planted on my face, "Yes that's perfect with me, I'll be there 3:40pm sharp!" I hear more writing, "Alrighty just go to the front desk and one of our co-workers will take you to where you need to be! See you then, have a nice day!" "Thank you!" I say and I hear the phone cut off. I grin, I may have not gotten the job yet but just visiting the Buzzfeed building is an honor. I check the time, "2:56pm!" I shout and I instantly get a response from Adam, "SHUT UP" i fall off my bed out of shock I yell back, "WHEN DID YOU GET HOME?!?" "LIKE A MINUTE AGO" i sigh, "I'M GOING TO A JOB INTERVIEW SOON!" I moment later he replies, "K." i laugh and get ready.

I smile in approval of the 8th outfit i wore today for this occasion

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I smile in approval of the 8th outfit i wore today for this occasion. I didn't what to wear what I would normally wear because then I might not be hired because the way I dress is literally like an edge-lord. I walk out of my room, "ADAM GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!" (OOOOH first cuss word) I hear a groan as Adam drags himself over, "What is it?" I smile and do a twirl, "Whatcha think of my 'professional interview outfit'?" He looks at the outfit for a moment before acting like he was gonna throw up. He then leaves to go into his room and finally shouting, "Good Luck!" I laugh and respond, "I'm gonna need it!" I hear him laugh before i head out the door and catch my Uber. I go on my phone and take a Snapchat picture of me in the Uber, "Gonna go interview for a new job~!" I post it and then goof around on my phone, "We're here miss" i look up and smile. I pay and tip him and then get out. As the uber leaves i take a look at the building. The glass doors had cartoon white corgis running on it. I was really excited. Did I mention, corgis are my favorite dog species. I walk in and go up to the front desk, "H-Hi!" The front desk employee looked up and smiled. "Hi there! Can i get your name?" I see here place her hands on her keyboard getting ready to type in my name. I clear my throat, "It's (Y/N) (Your middle and last name)" i watch her nod and type my name into her laptop, "Ah yes, here for the interview?" She fixes up her glasses and looks up at me i nod quickly. "Well, I'll call em' over, they're gonna bring you to th-" she was suddenly interrupted by an all too familiar voice... Keith. "Hiya! I'm Keith your new friend and guide!" He smiles, i giggle, no not one of those preppy annoying giggles, a normal giggle. "Hiya! I'm (Y/N) your new friend and follower!" I say mimicking him in a nice way, "I see we are gonna be GREAT friends! Anyways this way to the Buzzfeed President! See yah Catherine!" He waves me to follow and also waves the front desk woman good bye, I'm guessing her name is Catherine. "So tell me about yourself (Y/N)!" Keith say whilst walking at a slow pace, clearly wanting to talk for as long as he can. I think for a moment, "Well Buzzfeed Productions is the best, and i watch it daily! So uh.. I'm trying not to explode.. Because i'm talking to THE KEITH and i'm at BUZZFEED PRODUCTIONS." I sigh because of my pathetic-ness, Keith laughs, "I'm trying not to explode everyday, i don't wanna die anytime soon" I grin, "Funny" He nods in approval, "Welp here we are! By the way the Buzzfeed President's name is Ze Frank!" (I DID RESEARCH, BUT STILL MAY BE WRONG) I nod and hug Keith, "Thanks so much!" He smiles in return, "Good Luck! I hope to see you around the office more!" He waved goodbye and left. I take a deep breath and exhale, then i slowly open the door and peep my head in, "Hello?" Mr. Frank looks up and smiles, "Hey there, (Y/N) right? Come in!" I nod and walk in. He motions me to sit down on a navy blue chair. i giggle, "What's so funny?" he questions, "Oh! I'm so sorry i wasn't laughing at you it's just that i shouldn't have worn Navy blue because now i match the chair!" I stammer out think that I had already messed up my chances. He notices the navy blue outfit and laughs, "You're right. Well you got one thing off the checklist: Humor! A Buzzfeed co-worker must be humorous! You also have a degree in Pop Dancing and Video Editing!" He takes a pause and looks at me, then back to my resume, "Fans will go crazy over you, you're like a female version of Eugene..." My eyes go wide, "E-Eugene.. As in Eugene Lee Yang..?" I forgot that Eugene works at THIS Buzzfeed, It was because i was overwhelmed when i saw the Buzzfeed building that i totally forgot that "Yeah Eugene Lee Yang. You know him?" I nod, "I know him but he doesn't uhh.. Exactly know me..heh.." i say sheepishly. He laughs, "A fangirl huh?" I hang my head down and nod, because one, i'm red from embarrassment and two, i'm blushing over the thought of Eugene. "Anyways, You'll start Monday 9 am SHARP! Keith, you met him, he'll meet you on Monday morning and bring you to your desk, You can decorate it if you want so bring a box of things that represent you or something and go to town on decorating! There will be a meeting and you are assigned to work with the Try Guys, not exactly in the camera frame, but as like a organizer and editing helper, we'll still put you in videos but not as like a 'new try girl' ." My redness finally faded and i look up and smile and clasp my hand together, "Thank you so much!" He chuckles, "See you Monday for your first meeting!"

And with that I nod and then hop out and decide to walk home and not Uber. I slam the door that belongs to Adam and my home, "I GOT THE JOB! I START MONDAY~!" I shout, i close the door as i see Adam rush over and hug me and sit on the couch, "Congrats! To be honest i had my doubts... Did you apply to McDonald's because that's the only place that would accept you for a job." Adam smirks and pretends to sassily flip his imaginary long hair, i act hurt, "Savage Adam! Savage! And no i got a job at--- drum roll please!" Adam rolls his eyes and drum rolls, "BUZZFEED!" i shout.. not to loud.. Adam smiles, "Congrats! I knew you could do it!" he says sarcastically, this time i roll my eyes, "Shut up! Go back to your room and do whatever you were doing before" Adam and I laugh and then he goes back to his room calling out, "Fine MOM!" I giggle and shout back, "Don't Worry hunny! It's just a PHASE!" i quickly get a reply back, "IT'S NOT A PHASE MOOOM" I grin, "alrighty! Get your own food i'm too tired to cook!" Adam shouts out to me, "Postmates is open 24/7!" I laugh, "You're paying for Pizza Adam!" Adam and I agree on a pepperoni pizza and i order it.

Monday! Monday is the day i'll meet THE EUGENE LEE YANG!

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