What am I British?

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Eugene and I were laughing over a story I had just told.

"And then- haha- Adam- hahaha- tripped over the barstool thinking it would impress Julien ahhaa he was so drunk!"

Sure we sounded like fools, but we had a great time at In n' Out. He had insisted to take me somewhere nicer, but I insisted that we went to a fast food joint.. because i friggin love unhealthy stuff.

I take a bite of my burger as Eugene tells me the time Zach got really drunk and thought he was a cat.

Needless to say we had a great time.

We head out of the fast food restaurant and he offered to drive me home. Which I gladly accepted, seeing as that meant I got to spend more time with him.

A comfortable silence surrounded us, I look out the window contently watching the starry sky.

Completely oblivious to the fact that Eugene would steal some glances at me

Soon the car stops and I take a deep breath. "This is your stop, have a nice night" i look over to Eugene and softly smile, not wanting to leave, "Hey do you need my number?" I nonchalantly ask. He grins, replying, "I forgot my phone at your house before, Adam somehow added your contact into my phone" i nod, 'i'm going to kill him for ruining such a moment'. I open the car door, "Text me when you get home alright? Good night!" I replicate his grin that was happily stuck to his face.

"Alright take care, love"

I blush and look away, hiding the blush from his view. "Y-Yeah. Good night"

"S-sorry if that made you uncomfortable! It just slipped out sorry!" He began to ramble on how sorry he was.

I laugh, "It's fine, I uh.. I actually like it... Love"

He looks over to me, "Well Good night, for real now"

I smirk, "you really want to get rid of me don't cha?"

"N-NO! That's not what I mean! I love having you around! And I think you're great and I j-"

I smile, "alright lover boy, have a nice night." I close the car door and wave good bye as he drives off.

Cheesy? Yes indeed

I unlock the door to see Adam sitting on the couch clearly amused.

"Sooo... where were you at this time at night... love" he snickers

That bitch listened onto our conversation didn't he...  As if he knew what I was thinking he replied, "Yes I was, I was hiding in the bushes sipping the tea." He rolls his eyes before continuing, "You somehow butt dialled my number and I listened to your conversation staring from the first good bye you guys said.

I blush clearly embarrassed quickly mumbling a 'goodnight' and heading off. Hearing Adam in the background singing, "CANNNN YOU FEEL THE LOVE TONIGHHHHHT!"

Why does this always happen to me..?


God, I'm such an idiot! Seriously why did I have to add 'love'? What am I british?!

Did she really like me calling her 'love' or was she trying to hid the incoming awkwardness?!

Currently I'm parked in front of my apartment.

I slam my head on the wheel, hopping up quickly from fright after hearing the horn blare from my car.

I quickly turn my car off and head inside my apartment, before anyone can come out and murder me from waking them up.

Only something like this would happen to me..

Heading in Pesto and Emma hopped up onto me and barked happily that I came back home.  I grinned and quickly petted my two dogs. I walk over to my bedroom and change into a pair of pyjamas. I'm so glad that today is Monday because tomorrow is Tuesday which is another day to see (Y/N). Although normally I wouldn't be so excited on a Monday.

After brushing my teeth I hop into bed. Although I was extremely tired for some reason I couldn't go to sleep.

As a certain girl was roaming my thoughts.

What is she doing to me?

Author's Note: Hey guys! How do you feel if the next chapter is the chapter where Eugene makes a move?

Do you guys feel like it's too soon?

I sometimes read a story and I get pretty upset at the fact that the love story is going way too fast. But I don't want to be painfully slow.

What are your thoughts??

Can't Stop Falling | Eugene Lee Yang x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now