Chapter 1

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Indio California, finally, I could see the city limit sign, a sign I had been dying to see for the last 14 hours.  My best friend, Brian Kelley and I had dreamed of the day we'd play the Stagecoach festival and tomorrow was that day.  Not necessarily on the BIG stage we'd hoped for but this was the first step.

Brian, or as everyone called him, BK had grown up in Ormond Beach Florida.  Music was not his first love,  baseball was, and he was damn good at it.  He grew up in church just like me, we both found our first love of playing music and guitar because of church.  BK went to Florida State on a baseball scholarship to pitch, he was scouted by pros and eventually found out he'd be drafted by the Miami Marlins.  As time passed when he wasn't playing baseball he was writing music and over time sitting on the bench wasn't where his heart was.  So he moved to Nashville and started going to Belmont University where he inadvertently met me.  Once again it was church that connected us.  We began playing together at a campus worship group, slowly we became writing partners and then started playing and singing together at his house or mine everyday.  Eventually we realized we weren't to shabby at this together.  Our writing styles and voices just flowed together so well,  before long we were playing writing rounds around Nashville.  It took about two years before we came to an agreement...we were going to pursue music full time.  We've traveled to anywhere and everywhere that would give us a chance.  To let two southern boys sit down with their guitars and play a few songs. 

It was just one year later that we released a few songs on an EP.   It was an absolute dream come true, it was the most exciting time of our lives, or so we thought.  Little did we know life was going to take off and send us on a crazy whirlwind. 

We soon came across the right people to start pushing us in the right direction and now here we are a song that's climbing the charts, breaking records and...Stagecoach! 

Brian brought me out of my thoughts.
"Ty should we go get situated at the hotel first?"

"Yeah probably.  Get cleaned up, grab something to eat and then we can go get checked in and start checking everything out."

"Tom you good with that?" BK asked our guitarist, who was the only other person awake.  He just nodded his head in agreement.

As I turned down the street to our hotel everyone started to wake up and the excitement level went through the roof of our little Tahoe we traveled across the country in. 

We pulled up to the hotel, I let BK out up front to go check us into our rooms and went to find a spot to park the Tahoe with the trailer.  As I got parked I noticed him walking out the front door.  The rest of us piled out,  grabbed our bags and followed him to a side door and up to our rooms.  The 7 of us crammed into 2 rooms and started getting settled.  After about 2 hours Sean, our drummer, started asking about dinner, it was a domino effect once it was mentioned everyone was hungry.  On our way out the door we asked the front desk where we should go eat?  She was cute; brunette, well porpotioned and curvy.  Just the kind of girls I liked.  Brian was always into the blondes,  but ironically was dating Brittney, a very young but very pretty brunette. 
I smiled as the desk clerk giggled while I asked her for suggestions, she was definitely attractive.  She came around the counter putting her hand through my arm guiding me out the door to point at a few places.  All the guys we're chuckling as they watched her smile and bat her eyelashes as she continued to tell me all her favorite places.  I won't lie I was enjoying it.   Generally when we are out and about BK is the one that gets all the attention.  I tend to be the chubbier of us, my hair is growing out and at an awkward length and I'm just not as ruggedly good looking as he is.  It's all good but when little things like this happen I appreciate them a little more.

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