Chapter One

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Neil let out a sigh as he opened his locker, shoving his backpack in and taking out what he needed for his first period, which happened to be math. Neil didn't mind math too much, but it was still quite a pain in the ass at times.
And their teacher was gross, his name being pikemen. Neil felt his face become slightly disgusted thing I ng of the teacher. With a shudder he closed his locker and headed down to put his stuff in math, since he had a but of time before the bell rang.

Walking out of his math class, he went down the hall to go get some breakfast. He didn't have time to at home since his parents were fighting again and he didn't want to deal with it.
On the way, he passed by the guys bathroom, only to here a sniff come from there. Neil stopped, listening to see if he heard it again. He was just about to start walking again before he heard another sniff, this time with the sound of troubled breathing. Was someone..crying?

Neil cautiously walked into the bathroom to see a darkly colored boy staring into the mirror at himself, his hand over his mouth with his blue hoodie over his hand. His other hand clutching the sink below him.
Neil saw this boy walk the halls a few times, and he was sure he had at least a couple of classes with him. he took a breath before he spoke up.

"U-uh, hey? Are you ok..?" He asked calmly and the boy at the mirror quickly turned his head and as he saw the other, he wiped the tears from his face and took some deep breaths before he glared at nail, his eyes still wet with tears. wait, his eyes, Neil stared at them a moment. The other boys eyes we a beautiful shade of green, Neil hasn't seen any others like it.

"What the hell are you looking at." The boy spoke up, his voice cracked a little from crying earlier and sounded a bit strained and rough. Neil stopped staring and spoke again. "uh, i-i heard some, crying and wanted to make sure they were alright so uh, are, you ok?" Neil said repeating his question from earlier. the boy scoffed and rolled his eyes. "sure. But let me tell you this," They started, getting close to the boy, who was now slightly frightened of the other, not knowing what they were going to do.

"If you tell anyone you saw me in here, I'll murder you, understand?" His voice had an aggressive tone to it, and he looked very serious. Neil nodded to the other and the boy gave one quick nod with a 'hmph' as he pulled up his hood and left the bathroom, leaving Neil there all himself. he took a minute to process what happened. he wasn't sure what to think about it.


Max stared to the ground as he walked away from the bathroom. he scolded himself for letting someone see him cry. He knew he shouldn't have let himself cry there, or anywhere for that matter. He hated it.
He let out a small sigh. maybe he had time to go outside and- nope, there's the bell. max let out a frustrated 'ugh' as he changed his direction, heading to his first class, which was history. He hated it, he figured that they're dead and it didnt matter, if we learn anything from history its just that we didnt learn anything from history. Maybe some of it was is per at I on for others to do all the bad shit they do today. Max hurried on to his class, so he wouldn't have to go get a late slip or anything like that.


It was now Max's time to go to English, literature or something like that. Upon entering his class room, he noticed the boy that saw him crying earlier was there as well. he passed by him with a small glare, to which the boy glanced at them and looked away, not wanting to cause any conflict.
Max sat down in his usual spot at the back of class, plopping down in his chair with a 'huff' as he opened his note book and awaited for the teacher to speak.

The late bell rang and the teacher, they called her ms. Gwen, stood up. "Alright class." she began. "today we will start a writing assessment, and you will have a partner assigned to you. you and your partner will write about how our society has developed over the years."
Some people, including max, groaned at the topic given to them. Gwen gave a glare at the class before continuing. "When I call you and your partners name, you both will stand and sit together, start in to talk about your topic-" She kept talkijg and explaining things. Max just focused on listening for his name.

"The next two will be Max and Neil." Max tiredly stood up and looked for the next person to do the same. When he saw who it was he groaned. "Is it to late to change partners?" Max asked. "oh you know it." Gwen replied, having a small smile from the others expression.
Neil gulped slightly as he and max went to a table at the back. "ok, first of all," max started as he sat down. Neil sat down as well and listened, Max's tone was tired, and kinda serious. "No talk about what happened this morning, not at all. if you're wondering I'm fucking fine. now, what was your name again?" Max said to the other, his tone changed from stern to casual pretty quick. "oh, uh, my names Neil, you were Max right?" Neil replied to the other.

Max just gave a nod and sat back in his chair. "Alright, how much do you know about this damn assignment?" Max sounded irritated, like he really didnt want to near Neil at the moment. "Well," Neil started, "I'm not sure, I'm more into chemical things and science rather than history. What about you? What are you usually into?"
Neil asked max was slightly taken aback from the kindness the other showed twords him. Max thought a Moment before answering. "Well, not anything here thats for sure." He paused a second or two before continuing. "Man I just like to chill and not do anything to be honest." He said with a shrug. Neil nodded and continued to conversate with Max, the black haired boy being kinda vague on answers and about his home life.

The bell then ring signaling class was over. the two boys started packing their things up and they left walking near each other. Max turned to Neil and spoke. "so,  not that hungry. I'm gonna head outside. I'll see you later ok, we can work on that assignment tomorrow." Max started walking away before he stopped and turned back to Neil. "oh, and by the way, dont go around thinking you made a new friend. I only need you because of this damn assignment. I can't get bad grades or my parents'll kill me. " Max said and Neil gave a slow nod to what the other said.Ax then walked away and Neil made his way to the cafeteria to get himself some food.

--alright, I tho k this is a good place to leave off, oof I love these two, anyways see y'all in the next chapter--

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2017 ⏰

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