Trick 1

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I blinked, letting out a small noise of disbelief. After half a second, I shook my head, laughing. Lowering back down into the chair I'd rose from, I crossed my legs over each other, leaning back calmly. "Wow," I murmured in shock, shaking my head still in laughter. "Not only are you lying, but you're pathetic. Why choose me? Oh, wait, of course. I'm rich, handsome, and I have connections to you. I'm the perfect target for you to try to pin this baby of yours on, right?"

Bri's face, still done up in the makeup she'd been wearing from the wedding, though she'd changed out of the dress, grew dark with rage. I grinned at the sight. Why does she have to be so sexy when she's angry? I asked myself. Apparently my grin didn't make things better. "Are you seriously suggesting that I'm lying about this right now?" she demanded in outrage.

I shrugged, shifting again in the seat. Damn it, I grumbled internally. Stop making me want to throw all this shit to the wind and strip you down. I closed my eyes for a second, pulling up the slightly hazy memories of Bri's dark skin, the taste of her...Unable to help it, a small groan slipped past my lips. I very quickly snapped my eyes back open, taking in the way Bri's whole body was shaking with the force of her anger. My gaze narrowed, focusing on the trembling of her lips as she very obviously fought from screaming in that moment. My own lips lifted in delight at the thought.

Oh, baby, come a little closer and I'll show you another way to shake and tremble...

"You're totally checking me out right now, aren't you?" her disgusted voice broke through my musings. "Seriously, Felix, how can you be like this? What sort of childhood trauma does someone have to go through to get like this?"

I blinked, lifting my gaze back to her eyes. Shifting again to make myself more comfortable as I started to grow hard at the sight of her, I shrugged. "What childhood trauma have I supposedly gone through? That would have to imply that anything in my childhood was of note. Since that's not true, I think I'm okay. In fact, I'm wonderful. And I'd be even better if you weren't trying to hang me with a noose of your own making for yourself."

Her jaw clenched in anger and her fingers at her arms curled in even tighter. "Why is it so hard for you to even think that what I'm saying is the truth?"

I shifted again, my erection quickly disappearing at the idea of such a horrible implication. Rising to my feet, I flashed her another winning smile. "Look, Bri. There's something I think you should know about me. You see, I can't have kids. It's just impossible," I nodded my head confidently.

She narrowed her eyes, frowning. "Oh, is that right? Have you been examined and had that verified by a licensed professional?"

"No, but I mean...c'mon!" I moved a little closer to her, holding up my left hand to shake my finger at her. "Do you even realize how many women I've slept with? Not a one has ever gotten knocked up. So that can only mean one thing. I can't have children. End of story."

Her eyebrows shot up. "Oh my gosh! You're so right! Why didn't I ever think that miracles can't happen?"

I lowered my hand, glowering. "You know, I'm sensing a lot of hostility and sarcasm out of your mouth right now."

She placed a hand against her chest, wearing a wide-eyed look of shock. "What, little ol' me, sarcastic? Felix, I am shocked at you!" She reached out and batted at my arm. "Really, how could you even think such a thing?"

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest. "Okay, yeah. There is definitely a gallon or two of hostility in your voice right now. Why? Is it really going to ruin your evil, bitchy plans that badly if I don't agree to play 'Daddy' to your 'Mommy'?"

Playing with Fire: Other Realm, Frost Family Series Book 5Where stories live. Discover now