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present day sunny

AGAIN assuming the position you were so used to whenever something unpleasant occurred, you were slumped over at your desk, wondering what had happened in the days between the school trip and present day that had caused such a change in the now-reclusive male.

If there was a word to describe 'Kim Taehyung', it would've been sunshine. (Though you had heard that another student from a separate class had already patented such a nickname.) Regardless, this boy was energy personified. He was the battery of the class who never hesitated to give up his own image for the sake of laughter.

But now, in a room filled with teenagers who seemed to vie for your attention - for no understandable reason - he was the odd one out. Problems piled on top of problems and you didn't know if this was some elaborate prank, or just irrational paranoia that made you feel so uneasy.

With a steady huff and a rush of unparalleled courage, you curled your fingers around your fabric-wrapped lunchbox and made your way out of the room. Of course, like everything else that had not-so-subtly changed in your class, Taehyung had begun to eat alone in the courtyard, taking his whole lone wolf charisma to new, evasive, heights. While you dreaded the idea of confronting him about your relationship that seemed to hang in limbo, your curiosity stood victorious over any fear you had festering in your chest.

"Taehyung. Can we eat together today?" You asked, hands visibly shaking from nerves as you stood before his seated figure.

No matter how distant he felt, surely the remnants of the old Taehyung must've remained. Maybe it was just some new act he was pulling in front of your peers. Your mind would've fallen for any excuse at this point. You just wanted an actual conversation with him.

The male didn't respond. His dark eyes merely swept over your looming being in a judgmental once-over before they settled once again on the food in his lap. Well, he didn't say no. You took that as consent as you planted yourself beside him on the cold metal of the bench.

Now what?

With the autumn sun unobstructed by billowing clouds, your eyes landed on the shadows casted on the aged asphalt. A couple, seemingly close and affectionate, spending their break together. But you knew the reality behind the silhouette. A reality of an estranged boy and girl who could barely speak, let alone, look at each other in the eye.

Fidgeting with the floral cotton wrapped around your lunchbox, you swallowed down your hesitation and threw yourself, defenceless, into the hotseat.

"Hey, Taehyung. Is there something bothering you?" You began, nervously glancing at his side profile which refused to give you any semblance of attention.

"I'm sorry if my confession was out of line, but I thought that night -" Your sentence was cut short when the male suddenly stood up from the seat. From your position, you could only stare at his back. Cold, dismissive and...trembling?

You blinked and stared at his shoulders once more, only to see them firm and unmoving. A trick of your eye, perhaps? Or maybe it was just the harsh glare of the sun deluding your hypersensitive nerves. You wouldn't have put it past yourself - a desperate girl who just wanted her friend back.


"Can you stop bothering me?" He interrupted and his smooth baritone that once overflowed with compassion seemed devoid of his signature warmth and emotion. You could only tighten your grip around the ribbon of your lunch, trying to find purchase in worn threads before you completely unravelled in his retreating figure.

"That time at the lighthouse. Did you forget?" He murmured under his breath and if the world hadn't been so silent at that very moment, you were certain that the September winds would've swallowed up his voice.


what happened at the lighthouse?
dun dun dun duuun. what do yall
think? no timeloops involved here.

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