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ʽ SAFETY ʼ ˑ
present day cloudy

DARKNESS enveloped you and all you felt was cold. A dreadful cold that bit every inch of your skin until your body grew numb and blue. You gasped, clawing at the stream of light that poured above you - fighting to reach the escape you so desperately sought, only to descend deeper and deeper into the murky void beneath you.

Your vision slowly faded to black and the last thing you saw was clear, translucent...bubbles?

With a jolt, your eyes snapped open taking in the sepia-shaded surroundings of the old bus you had been on for the past hour. A cold sweat swept past your bangs and with a shaky hand, you quickly wiped it away, reminding yourself that dreams were only figments of your imagination. Something kept in the questionable subconscious of your mind. Something you would've taken note of, but quickly brushed off as a nightmare induced by the strange behaviour of your peers back in school.

"Are you alright?" The male beside you asked, his low voice resounding across the empty bus, and you realized that the passengers that had boarded at your station had left long ago. Now, only two young students sat together at the hind of the vehicle, shoulders gently brushing each other as the rickety bus rolled over rocks and pavement.

A crimson flush flooded your cheeks and you inched away from him when you saw that you were a bit too close for your own liking. Okay, hell, that was a lie. You were loving the privacy and proximity. It seemed like no matter how hard you tried to distance yourself from your feelings, Kim Taehyung could easily break through your lies with a mere glance.

"I'm alright." You murmured, nodding your head as you tried to divert his focus away from you and your reddened face.

Fickle emotions were the last thing you wanted to acknowledge. The tangle of confusion that twisted around Taehyung's words and behaviour had overstayed its welcome. You wished - begged - that you had grown stronger in your battle against childish whims, and yet only a giddy teenager, burdened with adolescent hormones, stood victorious

"We're almost there." Taehyung replied, thankfully oblivious to your inner dilemma as he gestured to a passing street sign.

From your seat you could clearly see the words, 'Homigot Lighthouse. 9 kilometres away.'

When Taehyung had pulled you out of the school - when he had promised you the truth - you waited eagerly for that much needed privacy with the older male. It was your moment - your chance - to finally pull apart his shield of ambiguity. Instead, what you received was a bus ticket and an invitation for more confusion.

"I just want to figure out what's wrong with Minah and the rest." You huffed, picking at the hem of your skirt - a nervous habit that had inexplicably surfaced after what had happened in the classroom.

"You should just forget about them." The boy refused to meet your eyes as he continued looking outside the window. While his words sounded cold and unfeeling, his voice betrayed something different. A hint of melancholic sympathy laced through the melodic baritone of his voice and you saw a glimpse of him - the real Taehyung whom you thought had disappeared.

As much as he tried to hide behind abrasive words, you could sense his compassion seeping past the cracks of his armor. It was a hesitant voice trapped beneath layers of false hostility that told you what he was doing was 'for your own good.'

So you could only wonder why he had said those words. Words that told you to remove your friends from your life.

"I can't do that. They must have a reason for behaving that way." You responded firmly, surprised at the conviction that flowed from your lips despite the mass of confusion that wreaked havoc on your cognition.

With a deep rooted sigh, Taehyung shook his head in surrender before a pair of forlorn hazelnut eyes landed on you.

"Suit yourself."

ok but forreal, the explanation
is coming soon lolol.

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