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"Freeze!" Russ points his gun.

Nobodies in there. "Told you, its a trap.".

"Its not a trap, unless somebody is killed or we are suck in a certain area against our will." Ellis says in a calm tone.

"Let's go." Chris sighs.

"At least we know he's alive.".

"Ya, but we need to catch him." I follow them out towards the car. We drive back to the small house that Kendall took me to.

"Back so soon?" Kendall asks as we enter the main room.

"We lost him." Ellis sighs.

"You guys were on the news today.".

"We were?" I step in.

"Ya, they talked about how you guys risked your lives to save Eleanor and Desserea.". I need to call Des, now. I quickly step out and dial her phone number.

"Hello?" the sound of her voice calms me down.

"Des, its Cam.".

"Thank god your safe!" I hear her let out a huge sigh of relief.

"How's Ellie?".

"She's fine.".

"How are you?" I ask.

"I'm....okay, I guess.".

"Aw, what's wrong Babe?" I hate hearing her sad or in pain.

"I just really miss you, and I'm not gonna lie, I'm scared." her voice is shaky.

"Its gonna be okay, I'll be back before you know it." I don't even k ow if that's true.

"I'm just afraid that we'll never see each other again." she sighs.

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