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**Cameron's P.O.V.**

"I need to go find them." I say in a serious tone.

"It's up to the doctor. He releases you, not me.".

The doctor walks in," Mr. Dallas, I've got your results.". He holds up a clipboard.

"You will be released in about a week, if everything goes well." he smiles.

"A week?! I dot have a week! I don't even think I have any more than an hour!" I scream.

"Calm down, sir. What are you talking about?".

"I need to leave!" I flail my arms in the air and try standing up. Chris pins me down and holds me down on the bed.

"No!" I scream. The nurse runs in with a giant needle in her hand.

"Let me go!" I push Chris to the ground. He hits his head on the counter top's corner.

I try standing up, but more people pin me back down. I try fighting past them.

"Stop! Stop it! I need to save them!" I cry as I try standing up from the ground, that I've been pinned onto.

"Put me down, you bastards!" I scream once more, before I feel a needle inject into my shoulder.

I fall to me feet, smacking my face on the tile. My vision goes blurry, as I feel something pick me up and put me back onto the bed.

"It's for your own good Cameron," is the last thing I hear until everything fades into darkness.


I wake up, in the dark. I'm still in the hospital, but now it's night time. I shut my eyes and rub my shoulder, which aches from the needle.

"Cameron," a voice startles me. I jump up and turn, finding Chris. His head has a huge scratch across the forehead.

"Did I do that?" I point at it.

"It's fine," he sighs. "Cameron, we're getting you out of here, tonight.".

"But you can't, the doctor-"

"I meant secretly. I did some research, and if we don't get there fast, it'll be too late." his words give me a glimpse of hope, joy, yet also sadness.

"Who's we?".

"Us." Ellis and Russ enter the room.

"Thanks guys." I thank them all. "But how?".

"Take this," Russ throws me a bag. I unzip the bag, finding clothes inside.

I go to the bathroom and quickly change. I wear sunglasses, black leather pants, a leather jacket, and white t-shirt.

"Now they can't identify you by your face." Ellis says, as we walk out of the room. It hurts to walk, but I need to push through the pain.

"Have a goodnight Chris!" the nurse waves to him. He waves back and wipes his eyebrow," That was a close one.".

We walk out to the car. "It was that easy?" I ask.

"I actually thought it'd be harder." Russ chuckles.

"Come on, we've got to get to the airport, if we want to save Eleanor and Desserea." Chris forces us into the car.

Cameron's out of the hospital! Will he save Des and Ellie in time, or will Damian's evil plan work? Please vote and comment!✌️


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