Chapter 1

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Lexi's POV

The sun on my skin is warm, yet my body is cold. I always wondered why I keep on having this dream of me on this isolated beach. I still don't understand. I just hope someone is there to give me what I need.

"Lexi. Wake up Lexi. I have a surprise for you."says the angelic voice that I have yet seen where it came from.

This is always happening. I don't understand. Why can't I dream like a normal person?

"Lex, baby. Wake up. Please?"

"Hey Lexi, honey are you up yet? Come on down and eat your breakfast before you leave for school"says my mom, who is downstairs.

I sigh and decide to get up and get dressed for the day. I already skipped enough as it is. I just wish I didn't wake up in so much pain.

I get up from my bed and walk to my bathroom and take a long bath to clear my head. I almost forgot to get my cigarettes from my nightstand. I take one and light it as I'm in the tub. Now this... this is the best relaxation you could possibly have.

Well, at least for me.

Once I'm done with my cigarette, I get out of the tub and wrap my body in a towel. I head out and go into my walk in closet. Oh yea did I forget to mention? I probably did.

My name is Lexi Quinn. I'm 17, I have long, black hair, tan skin, and ocean blue eyes. Me and my family are the richest in the whole world. Which I don't mind, sometimes. It's not that I don't mind being rich, it's just that I hate it when I'm the center of attention, you know?

I hope that's enough for you guys to get a decent imagination of me. Anyways back to it.

I walk into my closet and think of what to wear. I decide to pick some black Victoria Secret panties, black ripped jeans, a white T-shirt, and some black high heels. I can guess you already know that my favorite color is black. I love black! It goes with everything. Like literally, everything!

Once I'm done, I start on my make-up and hair. I decide to put on light make-up and leave my hair messy, since messy haired girls look sexier.

Once I'm done, I walk downstairs and see my parents eating breakfast. Knowing my dad, he is probably reading the newspaper while drinking his black coffee. While knowing my mom, she is texting away on her phone.

I grab a plate and take a seat at table. It's a long, uncomfortable silence. Suddenly my mom interrupts.

"So honey, what are you gonna do when you get to school?"

"I don't know but I bet you'll tell me"

"Young lady!"

"Veronica please! Be nicer to Lexi. She just got up."my dad says. I look at him and smile, and he smiles back.

"Lexi, you are to go straight to the principals office and apologize for what you did on Friday."

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