Chapter 11

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    Lexi's POV

It has been 3 weeks since I apologized to Vanessa about not telling her about the past girls. I still regret not telling her. So to make up for it, I haven't left her side since. I went everywhere with her:her parents house, the store, the bathroom. I think she is getting annoyed, but I don't care, as long as she is with me I'm fine.

"Ms. Quinn!"the teacher shouts as she bangs the yard stink on my desk. I didn't even bother to sit up, so I just turned my head and looked at her with one eye.

"Answer the question."

"I can't answer something I don't know."

She sighs, making the rest of the class laugh, making me laugh a little too.

    "What do you think the world is based off of: money or opinion?"

    She stands there for a few seconds, tapping her finger on her clipboard, waiting anxiously for me to answer. I really don't want to answer, but I can't get out of this situation.

    "Opinion, because without opinion, the world wouldn't have a reason for money."a girl says a few seats away from me. The teacher turns around to see who said that wonderful answer.

    "Good point, Ms. Wilkins."the teacher says as she walks away from my desk and back up to the front. I look over to the girl, who is looking back at me. We both smile at each other as I mouth a 'thank you' and she mouths a 'your welcome'. She looks back to the front while I put my head back down.

    A few minutes later...

    The class is finally over and students are packing their stuff and moving on to their next class. I grab my stuff and tell Vanessa I'll meet her in next period, since I gotta head to my locker. As I walk out, someone taps my shoulder. I turn to see that it's the girl that saved me from that miserable teacher.

    "Oh, it's you."I stare at her blankly since I don't know her name. The teacher takes roll, but I just doze off.

    "It's Megan. And I take it your the girl that owns this hellhole, Lexi?"I laugh and nod.

    "Hey, thanks for saving my skin back there. I appreciate it."I say as me and Megan start walking to my locker.

    "Anytime. But I have to ask; did you really not have an answer for her question? I mean, it is based off of your opinion."

    "I just didn't feel like answering is all. I'm pretty much beat after the last four classes."I say shrugging my shoulders, while she laughs at my smart remark. We get to my locker and I notice that her locker is right next to mine. How come I never knew this? Probably because I rarely go to my locker.

    "How convenient."Megan says as she opens her locker.

    "That'll make two of us."I say and we both start laughing. I never actually had a conversation without arguing with someone before, except for Vanessa. I have calm conversations around her. Weird how she changed me.

    "So since were now acquainted, do you think we can hang out sometime?"she asks, closing her locker and leaning on it. Thank god she asked me, because I literally have nothing else better to do. Vanessa is going out of town for a couple of days and there won't be anymore races until next month.

    "Sure. I have nothing else to do anyways. When do you want to hang?"

    "How does after school sound? I can pick you up and we can like go to the mall or something." That's actually a pretty bad idea. I mean Vanessa coming over is risky enough. I don't want the guards or Avery to get the wrong idea too.

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