Chapter 12

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    Lexi's POV

"Wow! Your place is huge!"Megan says as I drive in my garage. "And you have a lot of cars!"she says, scurrying out of the car to look at the other cars. I admit, I have a lot of cars. I'm infatuated with them. "I earned some of them from racing. No big deal."I say nonchalantly. She looks at me asking if I really race and I nod. We then head inside and up to my room. On the way their, I notice that Avery is standing outside my room. What's up with this, I thought I sent her on vacation?

    "Avery, what are you doing here? I thought I-"I stop talking as I see her eyes avert to Megan behind me. I sigh and pull Avery aside. "Don't look at her like that. She's only a friend. I swear."

    "How many times have I told you, you cant keep doing this Lexi! Some day your gonna have to commit and if your still doing this, it will end very badly for you."she says as she stomps away downstairs. "Oh and you have a surprise in your room. I suggest you don't screw this up Lexi. It's very nice having her here."is all she says before taking her leave downstairs. Wait, her? She did say her right? I quickly open my door to see Vanessa asleep on my bed with headphones on. I can't believe she's here! She said she was going somewhere today and she wouldn't pick up her phone. Was she planning this?

    I run and jump on top of Vanessa, making her jolt up in pain. "Ow! That hurt! You could of just woke me up you know?!"she says hitting my back repeatedly. I get off her and give her a very happy kiss. "I'm very happy your here is all. Why didn't you tell me?"

    "I wanted it to be a surprise of course. Avery was very helpful too. What, am I not allowed to spend time with my-"she stops as she sees Megan in the doorway. She immediately gets up and gives her a hug, Megan returning the favor. "I'm glad we're all here!"Megan cheers. She grabs Vanessa's hand and they both jump on my bed. They just keep on laughing and talking. This is a sight I've never seen before: my girlfriend talking to one of my... friends. My first actual friend who doesn't want to friend me for my money and fame. She really is a true friend.

    They keep on talking as I turn down the lights and turn on the tv. They both shut up and look at the screen and see that Full House is on, my favorite show by the way. Vanessa then grabs the remote out of my hand and changes the channel. How rude! I was watching that! She and Megan settle on watching twilight. The first movie in that matter. I never liked those type of movies: the type where they put two guys against each other for one person. Kind of like The Vampire Diaries. I like that show more than I like this series.

    I sigh and lay down. Ugh I just realized, we have school tomorrow! I don't wanna go! It's soooo boring! Yet knowing Vanessa, she'll drag me out of this house and make me go to school. That's what I love about her. She won't give up until she is content.

    "Are you going to sleep Lexi?"Megan asks me. I nod. "But the night just started! We have to do something!"she complains. She has a point, The night did just start. I look at my alarm and see that it's only 9:22. Wow, the night did just start. "I have an idea! Let's go somewhere dressed like this!"Vanessa says pointing at our pajamas. Is she crazy? What if people saw us? They would think we are we-,oh wait, that's why she wants to do that. She wants the weird looks and funny reactions. I sit up and turn off the TV. "Great idea! We should also go out to a restaurant like this!"says Megan. Way to make it even more weird Megan. They both look at me for an answer. I sigh and get up. They both start smiling as I put on my shoes.

    "Fine, but you both owe me."

    A few minutes later...

    We are now running out of a clothing store with the manager yelling behind us. "You crazy kids better not come back here again!"he yells as we get into my car. I speed down the street with the two of them laughing in the back. I guess this was a pretty fun night. Now it's time to go to the restaurant. We all decided to go to Applebee's and then head to the movies to see the the last twilight movie. I forgot what it was called, but these two can't stop talking about some guys named Edward and Jacob. I don't know who they are, but if I told them, they would kill me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2018 ⏰

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