Chapter 3

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The top picture is Katelyn Moore.

It's been two months since I agreed to be Brendon and Sarah's girlfriend. Things are going great so far. We all get a long great. Even Katelyn has become best friends with them. She's warmed up to the idea of me being their girlfriend. I have to say I enjoy it. Brendon is great in bed and outside of bed. I still haven't fallen in love with him and that's a relief. I slipped my purple dress on with wavy ruffles at the bottom and glitter covering the entire dress. I tied my hair up in a loose bun and applied a little make up. Me, Katelyn, Brendon and Sarah have plans for Disneyland today. Dallon and Spencer are suppose to meet us there, too. We've met them and we're close to them, too.

"Ready to go?" Katelyn barged into my room.

"Yes mom," I replied, giggling.

"Come on bish," she laughed.

Brendon and Sarah were waiting outside for us to get done. I grabbed my purse and locked up the apartment. I greeted them both with a kiss and a hug. We all climbed into the car and headed to Disneyland. We met Dallon and Spencer in the parking lot when we arrived.

"Hey baby," Katelyn greeted Dallon with a kiss. They've been dating for two months, since they've met.

"Hey guys," Spencer greeted.

"Where's Linda?" I asked him, giving him a hug.

"She's with her family today, but I wanted to come here," he shrugged.

"Let's go have fun," Brendon interuptted, almost bouncing towards the entrance. I laughed to myself. He's so hyper all of the time.

"He's so full of energy," Sarah laughed, grabbing my hand and pulling me a long.

"Tell me about it," I laughed, too.

They wanted to go on the ferris wheel first, but I don't like the ferris wheel, so I let them go while I sat on a bench. I laughed as Dallon jokingly tried to push Katelyn off the ferris wheel and she squealed. I glanced at Brendon whispering and smiling to Sarah and I felt a tight knot in my stomach. I shrugged it off and ate my funnel cake. After they got off the ride they ran over to me and Brendon stole half of my funnel cake.

"Thanks babe," he winked.

"Whatever," I jokingly rolled my eyes.

Sarah sat down beside me and layed her head down on my shoulder. No one suspects a thing. Everyone thinks we're close friends except Katelyn. She's the only one that knows, and they both know that. They don't hide it around her.

We decided on a roller coaster next. Spencer agreed to ride with me since he had no one to ride with. I was glad for it because I'm scared of heights, but at least roller coasters were fast enough for me to forget about the height. I had a death grip on his arm most of the ride, but he was okay with it. He thought it was pretty funny that I was so scared. I was relieved when it was over. We decided to call it a day and go home.

"Are we coming to yours later?" Brendon asked me, slipping up beside me.

"If you both want to," I nodded, smiling.

"We'll see you then," he winked.

He ran up to Sarah and grabbed her hand. She smiled and leaned up to kiss him. I felt that tight knot in my stomach again. I found myself wishing that was me and she wasn't in the picture. I quickly shook my head and frowned. I couldn't stop thinking about how great it would be to be with him only.

"What's up?" Katelyn asked me, walking beside me.

"Nothing," I lied.

"You're in love with Brendon, aren't you?" She asked, looking ahead at them.

"No I'm not," I answered too quickly.

"Lia.." She frowned.

"Fine, I might be," I admitted.

"I knew this would happen. Are you going to tell him?" She wondered.

"Of course not. What I have with them is great and I don't want to lose that over me being in love," I shook my head.

"It's going to eat you alive eventually," she shrugged, running to catch up to Dallon.

I frowned at her as she ran off. It's not going to eat me alive, right? I can handle this better than she thinks. I'll just have to swallow down my feelings and do what I've been doing since the beginning. Sharing Brendon with Sarah and being fine with that. It's not like I have a chance anyway. He's madly in love with Sarah and he's married to her. He wouldn't leave her for some nobody just because I'm in love with him. I dragged my feet and stayed behind everyone trying to clear my head. Brendon dropped Katelyn off first and I hugged her goodbye, then he drove us to my place.

"Today was fun," I told them, unlocking my apartment.

"It was," Brendon agreed, tapping his foot.

I shoved the door open and before I could take a deep breath, Brendon dragged me and Sarah to my bedroom and got to work. I would be lying if I said I like his aggression when it came to having sex with us, but I wish he was only like that towards me. I like Sarah a lot, she's like my best friend, but I wish she wasn't in this. I wish it was only me. I guess Katelyn was right. It will eat me alive, but I couldn't think about it too much because Brendon dipped his head between my legs and I forgot about everything, besides how to moan and grip his hair tightly.

I'm still going to write some more. I'll update every night unless it's just impossible to do, but I promise I will unless I can't. I really have good ideas for this. Stick with me please. Thanks for reading. Please vote/comment! I love my readers. :)

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