Chapter 1; Meeting and Awkwardness.

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"Hello, My I'm Mollie, Mollie Hamlet." 

"Ah welcome Mollie, I'm Tara I'll be showing you who you're working with."

I nodded and followed Tara, If I didn't mention i'm at our towns 'mental home' as most people call it, I don't. I call it 'A Place For Different People.' Their not mental, They're just different. Anyway I'm here because i need more education as my school didn't support Child Care as an option, so I left, my mother of course let me, she told me to come here, it could help me get some clarification then i can go and work.

I slowly walked behind her pulling my cardigan sleeves down over my hands, It was actually cold.

"Here we are. Room 69" ( *Le wink wink* SORRY. I HAD TO! ) 

She slowly opened the door, and walked in,

"Louis, Wake up sweetheart." she coo'd someone who was laying in their bed, I couldn't see his face as he was facing the wall.

"Would you mind stepping out sweetie as I change him?"

"Sure." i nodded then walked out and closed the door behind me,

I looked down  the hall-way everything was the same color, the same material; metal very plain and boring.

The door opened and Tara gestured me to go in so i did, As I walked in I instantly recognized him, It was that kid Louis Tomlinson. why is he in here? I thought he went into rehab? 

As I looked around his room, I saw his bed, a 2 seater couch and a table, and a door which I guessed leaded to the toilet.

I looked back to Louis and saw his face drained, His eyes firmly set infront of him, not speaking. not moving.He was sat up on the end of his bed, his back straight. I felt bad for him as all his family died in a car accident, well that's what i heard from school, everyone was gossiping from it, but I really didn't care, yeah, I felt sympathy for him but I wouldn't go around saying more things about it.

"Louis, This is Mollie, She's going to be looking after you. OK?" She said as she placed her hand on his shoulder speaking down at him.

He didn't reply, so she looked back up at me,

"He's mute, poor boy hasn't talked or moved since." I nodded and sighed.

"Ok so i'll be leaving you. shout me if you need anything."  She said as she left the room, 

I looked around the room. It was so plain. so boring, I flung myself on the couch and sighed,

I watched as Louis did nothing. Not a simple movement, Of course he was breathing but other than that... Nothing.

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