First Vampire!

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First vampire!

I got out of the shower and dried off. I wrapped the towel around myself as I moved to open the door. Sookie stood there tapping her foot with her arms crossed.

"Okay okay Sookie it's all yours for the loving mother you act like I've been there for years." I said to her she just huffed and moved around me and into the bathroom.

I chuckled to myself and moved on to my room that was at the end of the hall. I walked in and moved to my bed that had my clothes for work on it.

I put on my underwear that was a dark blue bra and bikinied cut bottoms then I ticked up the shirt that had merlots on the right boob as I was putting on my shorts Sookie came charging into my room.

"SOOKIE WHAT THE HELL!!!!" I yelled at her as I button my shorts and pulled up the zipper.

"I need to brow a shirt please mine are still in the wash." She pleaded looking at me with her big blue eyes.

I sighed and went over to me dresser and pulled out one of the shirts and through it to her. She gave me a big hug and smiled at me before she ran to get ready. I knew my shirt was going to be big on her I had more of a chest then hers.

I moved to the window and looked out of it.

It has been nine years since my time in the hospital and moved here to Bon Ton with Gran and Sookie.

I've met a lot of people and most of them I made my friends like Tara, and Lafayette. I love Lafayette me and him are like siblings and we look out for each other. Haven help someone if the massed with the other one.

I got back to getting ready for work. I put on some make up just some eyeliner, and lip gloss. I put my long red hair up in a French bride.

I move out of my room and down the shires and to the kitchen where Gran was making something sweet.

I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her and gave her a hug, as I rested my hand on the top of hers.

"Hey Gran whatca making?" I asked as I looked over her shoulder.

I felt her chuckle as she moves away from me.

"Cookies sweetheart then I'm going to make a cake." She said moving around the kitchen.

"Gran you're going to make to make Jason fat you know." I said and I took some of the cookie dough. Just as I said that Jason walked in.

"Hey why me you eat it to Vi." He pouted.

I laughed at him as I moved over to him and kissed his cheek.

"Easy we move more than you do Jason and where women we can handle sweets." I said as I moved back to Gran.

"Well Gran I'll see you later got to get to work or Sam will nag me again." I laughed as I walked out the front door.

I saw Sookie was still here and I pasted her sad little car to get to my jeep wrangler. This was my pride and joy it was a sapphire blue four sitter and big tires.

I got in and started her up and drove off to merlots it wasn't far from our house. As I pulled up in the parking lot there was a lot of people there. I sighed as I got out of my jeep.

I walked in and was greeted by Dawn she smiled at me and went along working Arleen walked over to me and gave me a quick hug before going back to her tables. I had a smile on my face as I walked to the back and got my apron on as I was walking by the kitchen I was pulled in and into a hug.

"Now I know you weren't walking right by me without a hug right bitch." Came Lafayette voice above me.

I laughed and returned the hug.

"No way honey I was just coming to see you." I told him with a smile.

He smiled at me and shook his head then pushed me out of the kitchen and told me to get back to work.

I did as I was told and work staid about the same through the night till Mark and Denise Rattray came into the bar. I saw Sookie stiffen as they sat in her area but after I broke the Denise's noes and beat the living shit out of Mark after he grabbed my ass and she slapped me for her old man grabbing my ass they stay away from me now. I had to smile at that but then I gave Sookie a look of sympathy as she walked over to their table.

She had on the fake smile and she looked like she was about to blot and I was ready to move over there and help her at any moment. Sam knew it to he was giving me that look.

I sent him a glare and turned back to watching Sookie and taking care of my tables. But once Sookie moved away from them I walked over to them.

As I came upon there table I was both go pale.

"Listen trash you know what I did to you the last time one of you touched me but Sookie is my family and if you some much as run your finger close to her I will brake every bone in your body you got that." I said in a light and friendly tone but everyone that knows me knows it's was anything but.

They looked at me with wide eyes and nodded. I smiled and walked back to my tables.

As I was taking another order from a table I found that it had fallen quite. I looked up and found a very pale man at the front door looking around to see if anyone was going to set him but no one moved to him.

I sighted and moved forward as I rolled my eyes and put a smile on for the vampire.

"Welcome please fallow me." I said as I grabbed a menu and lead him to a table that was in between mine and Sookie's tables so either of us could get them if the other was busy.

As he sat down I put the menu in front of him.

"What can I get for you tonight?" I asked with a smile.

He smiled back at me.

"Do you have true Blood?" he asked me in a deep southern voice that would have most women on the floor week kneed.

"No sorry they're on order and won't be here for three more days." I said sending a glare at Sam and looked back at the vampire.

"Well then I'll have a glass of red wine so I have a reason to sit here." He joked and I chuckled as I wrote it down and walked to the bar.

Sookie was sitting there looking like a kid at charismas and started asking me all kinds of questions about the vampire. I rolled my eyes and when Sam came back with the glass of wine. I gave it to her.

"What you want to know about him go ask when you take the drink over to him." I told her with a wink, and moved to one of my other tables. When I looked over to the vampire I saw he was sitting with the Rattray's.

Sookie walked over to them with the wine and Mark looked like he wanted to grab her ass but when he looked over to me. He froze and quickly looked away. I smirked as I walked to the kitchen to pick up an order for the Rattray's when I saw there table empty and Sookie was nowhere in sight.

I took off outside when I saw the Rattray's beating the shit out of Sookie I ran and took Mark out with a kick to the back and turned to Denise to see she had pulled a knife out and was swinging it at me I was not able to move the first time and she got me in my shoulder.

Ok now I was angry I snarled at her and knocked the knife out of her hands and grabbed her by the neck then slammed her on the ground. She tried to get away from me but I tightened my grip on her and moved closer to her ear.

"I warned you what would happen if you touched her again. Now I'll show you bitch." I said as I pulled back my hand back and punched her over and over again. Tell I was pulled off of her I looked up to see the vampire.

I shrugged him off and pulled her up.

"Get the fuck out of here and never come back or I'll kill you next time." I snarled at her and through her to the ground and stepped away from her to look for Sookie.

I found her next to a tree and there was blood on her lips. I cut my eyes over to the vampire to see his wrist was bloody too.

"You gave her your blood!!" I yelled.

Thanks for reading and please review hope you liked it.

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