Chapter 4

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Ok my poll is closed and the winner or in this case its winners are Eric and Godric!! And this is not a pro Bill story. I think I will have Sookie with Sam or Alcide.

I felt my powers come forth I was so angry but I felt a warm wind cares my face and I knew it was Nyx trying to help me.

It worked a little so I could keep my powers under control. I looked back at Sookie she looked better but something wasn't right this vampire didn't know us and from what Nyx had told me vampire's never gave their blood other than sire other vampires.

But here was this vampire giving his blood up so willing to a human that he didn't even know and was not on the brink of death. Then I looked at his soul and what I saw was nothing better his soul was the blackest I have seen.

I backed away from him and to Sookie never letting my grad fall. I bent down to brush a strand of Sookie's heir out of her face.

"Come on Sook it's time to get up....come on sweetheart." I gently shook Sookie as I spoke.

She woke up and looked up at me with a small smile. Then she looked around and to the vampire I saw her smile get bigger and I didn't like that.

Sookie got up and walked over to the vampire to stand in front of him.

"Thank you for saving me Bill." She said shyly.

I keep my mouth shut and sent a cold look to the vampire as he smiled at Sookie and told her that it was his pleaser. I walked over to them.

"Come on Sookie gran will start to worry." I said in a hard voice and a cold look to the vampire.

Sookie looked at me and nodded her head I her over to her car and helped her get in when I turned around the vampire was gone. My instinct was screaming at me that this vampire was not good news.

I walked over to my car and got in by the time I got him Sookie was in bed and so was gran. I walked over to the dining room table and sat down. I put my head in my hands.

I felt someone hand on my shoulder and looked up fast. I saw it was Nyx she was smiling down at me.

"I felt that you would have need of my Κόρη μου. What is the matter." she asked me.

I looked up to her and then looked to the stairs. I didn't want to wake gran or Sookie so I took Nyx hand and we walked outside.

"I meat a vampire tonight and at first everything was alright but something happened and the vampire had Sookie drink his blood when he doesn't even know her." I told her as I looked out in the woods around the house.

"Hmm that is every taboo for a vampire Κόρη μου I would keep away from him and keep an eye out." She told me looking to the sky.

"Yeah the darkness I saw in him told me as much." I sighed.

She smiled at me.

"Your powers are growing Κόρη μου this is good for I feel that you will need it for I feel a change coming." Nyx said as she faded away.

"Just fucking great." I sighed as I walked in the house and up to the bathroom to take a shower then to my room to get some sleep.

As I opened my eyes and looked at my clock I found out it was after 12:30 pm I knew I had nothing to do but I needed to get up. So I rolled out of bed and walked down the steps.

"Good morning Vi." Gran said with a smile at me.

 "mornin." Gran I smiled back at her as she handed me a cup of coffee.

"Where's Sookie?" I asked gran.

"Out front tanning...she wanted to wake you up when she woke up but you looked tired so I told her to leave you alone." She smiled at me and I said a thank you with a smile.

 I shook my head when I looked out the front door and saw her lying in the middle of the front yard.

I then went to my room and changed into some short shorts and a wife beater with no shoes. I grabbed my book and walked down and out of the house to sit next to Sookie. She looked over at me and smiled. I smiled back, she went back tanning and I opened my book and started reading.

Some time passed when we heard Jason's truck pull up fast. We looked up when he stepped out he wasn't looking so well he was sweating and looked like he hadn't went to sleep in two days.

Sookie and I looked at each other and got up to run after Jason into the house where he sat heavy at the table.

"Jason what the hell happened to you .... Are you ok." I asked him.

He just keeps looking off into nothing. Only when I put my hand on his shoulder did he look at me.

"No I'm not ok they think I killed someone Vi." Jason said and there were gasps from Sookie and Gran.

"And the hell said that." I growled out.

I didn't like people trying to hurting my family.

"Andy he has it out for me and then he shows me chocking her and then she's ok after I left. It was like a game to her and now they are trying to say I came back later and killed her." He said as he put his head down.

Sookie was speechless, Gran was worried, and I was pissed at Andy. I mean Jason's not the brightest crone in the box but he wasn't a killer.

Gran pulled Sookie out of the room to talk to her. I took Jason's hand and as he looked up at me.

"It's going to be ok Jason everyone knew you're a horn dog not a killer we'll get this worked out k." I said softly and looked him in the eyes.

His eyes brightened and a smile slid on his face.

"Thanks Vi that means a lot to me." He told me.

He got up and pulled me into a hug then pulled away and left but not before giving Gran and Sookie a hug.

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