Go ahead and remember to prepare some bleach.
//Warning:Stupid Awkwardness,Social anxiety,depression,suicidal thoughts and self-harm ahead
//May contains photos that might make you feel uncomfortable.
(( Just be prepared,alright? ))
Year 2311-the XXIII century-century of great technology and robots
Many advanced things have been invented to help humans with their lifes
Follow close behind are...weapons and bombs
yet,with all those advanced technology and the great help of robots,humans are still....well,human.
Conflict broke out in a meeting of the presidents of many countries around the world.
Wars have started
There was a scientist,a lonely one.
He used to have a family of 3.
He,his daughter-Sabrina and his wife-Hannah.
Both of them were....killed,on the way of evacuating from the war.
After the unfortunate event,he built a lab and lives in it while creating and researching different things for the government
Loneliness urged him to create something.
there,a brilliant idea was sparked in his head!
Days and nights,he worked on his project.
he forgot to eat,to sleep and even to take care of himself.
he poured his heart into this project.
that day finally came!
the project has been completed!
He looked over the two robots with honor.
with these two robots,he hopes he can stop the war from killing more lives.
unfortunately,the war reached he lab before he could activate his project.
the scientist was killed
his lab? exploded
his project? gone with the lab.
hundreds of years later,
a young doctor names Gabriel,on his way to find herbs in the woods,found the lab and what remaining of it.
He found the shattered pods,with two completed robots in it. They were damaged,of course,but still in great condition. Gabriel successfully fixed them.
While living with the kind Doctor,both of the humanoid robots fell in love with him.
The younger one confessed her love to him and was accepted.
Until one day,she caught Gabe and her older sister,cheating behind her back.
She was betrayed...by her very own sister.
Furious,she killed both of them before deleted her memories and deactivate herself.
Many years passed,Luna woke up from her sleep,only to find out that the computer and machines that kept her sleeping in all those years,were somewhat fixed and turned on.
Curious,she got out of the pod and walked around Gabriel's lab,there she found a wounded soldier in need of medical helps.
After helping the poor guy,Luna quickly found out his name: Jacques Nikolai.
She looked after him and took care of him long enough for her to fall in love with the soldier again.
The soldier fell the same about her and returned her love.
Unfortunately,Jacques had to get back to the battlefield.
The night before he went away,he promised that once he went home 3 years later,when the daffodils start blossoming,he will retire and won't come back to the war.
Said that he will stay with her forever after that.
3 years,Jacques stuck on the battlefield,plenty of times risking his life just because the countries' leaders couldn't agree with each other.
While Luna played her role as a combat medic,in another battlefield,near her homeland.
They often talked to each other through computers,but that didn't stop them from missing each other.
Then,a big battle broke out on the front,where Jacques was. Many soldiers lost their lives... And Jacques,was one of them.
A month later,Luna received the sad news,and his body...
After buried her lover,Luna,sad and broken,once again,put herself to sleep.
This time,she kept the memories with Jacques close to her. She didn't delete it.
And now that Luna has woken up? She will end this stupid war between humans.
She will end the war that took her lover away from her
And no one,no force on this world can stop her from doing it!
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-------------------------------------- Name: Luna Valkyrie Age: can't count Species: Humanoid Robot Job: Combat medic Likes: Apple,learning new things about humans,Jacques Dislike: wars,Melody-her older sister, humans who dislike her for being a robot. ----------------------------------
"There is nothing called a good war or a bad peace"