Chapter 11

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Bilious is my uncle...? I left him. I need to think. I went below deck and sat under the stairs, playing with the necklace my father gave to me. I remember the day he gave it to me like it was yesterday. Even if it was years ago. Back when I was 14.

"Y/n, dear! Fathers here," aunt Judy called.

I smiled and ran down the stairs, jumping into my fathers arms. He laughed at my excitement before putting me down. Judy walked over kissing him lightly on the cheek. He then crouched down to my level and took off his necklace pendant, placing it around my neck. I beamed brightly and smiled at him.

"Thank you Father," I hugged him once again.

He held me close to him I spoke softly.

"Remember what I told you. Wether you become part of a crew or in a creed, protect and obey the rules. I only have one thing to request of you," he pulled back, placing bother hand on my shoulder. "Never let your blade pierce a innocent."

"Of course Father."

He smiled and kissed the top of my head.

"How about I tell you two about my journey yeah?"

I remember all the stories he told me and Judy. About all the good and bad times he had on the journey on the sea and in other cities. I wished so desperately to go on a journey with him. Sail the seas with him and travel to other cities, making them better. I took off the necklace and glared towards it. He promised me he'd take me with him one day, but now his dead. I will kill the man that killed my father. I will make him pay.

Jack's POV

Walking around my ship I noticed Bilious standing over by the railing of the ship. He was one of the people that stood by me when I first became captain. He and Y/n Father was part of my first crew. I was surprised that Bilious was still loyal towards me, after what I did to him. Walking over to I stood by him.

"Rum?" I asked.

"No. Y/n just found out I was 'er uncle," Bilious mutter quietly.

I knew of Y/n father because he talked of her a lot. I didn't know that he was Bilious brother.

"Didn't even know she was related to you."

Bilious chuckled lightly turning to me.

"You'll take care of 'er, right? I have a feelin' I won't survive this battle."

"Why do you say that?"

He laughed dryly.

"I'm old Jack," he smiled. "But if you could do me a favor, make sure Y/n is okay."

Third Person

Jack patted his old friends shoulder before walking off to find Y/n. First spot he looked was the mast. Not finding her on deck or on the mast, be searched below deck, finding her under the stairs.

"Leave me be Jack," Y/n mutter.

Jack grabbed a bottle of rum that was nearby and sat by her. Opening it he took a swig and offered some to Y/n, which she rejected.

"Did Bilious send you down here?" y/n asked rather annoyed.

"Wether he did or not, you look like you could use a drink," Jack smirked.

Y/n glanced at the bottle he offered to her and sighed taking it. Taking a quick swing she past it back to him. He did take and placed his left arm around her shoulders, lens Y/n body towards his. Slipping out of his hold Y/n lended forward with tears threatening to spill. Her father held her like that near the fires of her home while he told her about the far away lands.

All that she could think of was her family. Aunt Judy, Bilious, and her father. She didn't think much of her mother because Y/n never really met her. Too caught up in her thoughts she didn't realize Jack had her on his left leg, in a sitting position. Her head was on his shoulder as he held the rum out to her.

Taking it Y/n did in face take a longer swig of it. Not think about her actions, Y/n kissed his cheek, getting up and leaving. Jack sat there a little hazed before smirking heading out.Jasmine and Skylar were with Carly, Chris, and Ashly. Y/n went over to joined them to see what they were talking.

Jack spotted Y/n white them and decided to join them.

"Hey Y/n. Jack," Ashly greeted.

"Hey, what are you five talking about?" Y/n asked.

"Oh, our bet," Chris chuckled a bit nervously.

"Oh? What kind of bet?" Jack asked, curious to know what it was.

"I just now join in there little bet. Jasmine bet that you two would get together after this journey/war. Skylar thinks it with happen before that, Chris believes you two will get laid and I personally think you two will be nothing more than friends," Ashly explained.

Y/n blinked a few times and laughed, while Jack smirked at the thought of Chris and Jasmines bet.

"You guys are weird. Hell friends maybe by I don't think it will go farther than that," Y/n laughed.

Bilious noticed this from a distance, and smiled. Seeing Y/n blush smacking Jack's arms as her friends laughed. You would be so proud of yer daughter brother, Bilious thought.

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