Chapter 12 - The Pirate King

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Mega time Skip - So to sum some of what happened. Will 'disappeared' without a trace, meeting Jasper and Beckett. Will and Jasper make a deal over a cup of tea along with Jones explaining more about his god of a lover. Elizabeth is captain of Sao Fangs crew now, and now we get to see the pirate Lord. Calopso (idk) is behind bars so her and beloved can see each other again. Also sorry for me having foggy memory of the third film, which is why I'm rewatching it and I'll be honest, this was my least favorite film. This is the order I like them.

1, 5, 2, 4, 3. Tell me which one was your favorite movie of the five down below.

Y/n's POV

We ended up in shipwreck cove and I'll say this much, Skylar and Chris are still playing sweet to Jasmine and Carly. Ashly and I were making a bet about who would confess their love first while they were doing their 9 pieces of 8. Not long did Elizabeth come in saying Sao Feng is dead and that there was a traitor amongst us. Bilious didn't seem fazed by this and he pointed it out it may have been someone that isn't among us anymore. When she asked about Will, Jack only replied that he was not among us.

"Do you think it was Will?" Ashly whispered to me.

"I think more than one person was involved," I answered.

Bilious POV

I wasn't really need here for the meetin'. I only came due to Jack's father. I knew he'd be here and with that English lass taking Sao Feng's place bugged me. A woman with little experience with a crew shouldn't be a pirate Lord. Barbosa asked everyone what we'd do now that they have found us.

"We fight," Elizabeth declared.

Everyone only laughed. I would agree with her but I am gettin' much to old for wars, but age never stop me brother.

"Shipwreck Cove is a fortress," a older pirate woman Lord. "A well supplied fortress."

I knew her, after all she was my brother alley in murderin' one of the many people that murdered our parents.

"Their is no need to fight if they cannot get to us," she continued.

Others murmured in agreement.

"There be a third course," Barbosa spoke. "In another age, at this very spot, the First Brethren Court captured the sea goddess and bound her in her bones."

People nodded and murmured again.

"That was a mistake," he making them silent. "Oh, we tamed the seas for ourselves, aye. But open the door to Beckett and his ilk. Better were the days when mastery of seas came Not from bargains struck with eldritch creatures, but from the sweat of a mans brow and the strength of his back alone. You all know this to be true."

People began to mutter again before he continued his speech.

"Gentlemen. Ladies," he spoke. "We must free Calypso."

It was quiet for a moment, but then came the outbursts of 'shoot him' 'cut out his tongue!' That has me chuckle quietly, especially which what Jack said next.

"Shoot him and cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue. And trim that struggly beard," Jack gestured to it.

"Sao Feng would've agreed with Barbosa," one of his men stated.

"As would of Mister l/n," I mutter quietly.

Y/n glanced towards me and looked down holdin' something close to her.

"Calypso was our enemy then, she will be our enemy now," a man stated.

"But it's unlikely her mood's improved," other spoke.

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