Just A Lightweight[larry stylinson]

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Louis William Tomlinson is just the average guy who is just starting to live life. Well, that's how his age makes him appear. He's twenty-one and has graduated from university after studying creative writing and law.

He didn't really end up living up to his expectations. He expected a good job, tons of friends, a girlfriend who will eventually be his wife, kids.. But, Tomlinson finds himself living life in his little apartment that's on the highest floor of the building where he shares it with his best friend since pre-school and spending most of his time on the internet watching videos and writing on his blog or writing. He doesn't go out much, he sits at home and just drinks his way through the night almost every night.

Due to his regular drinking habits, Louis now faces health problems.

His best mate had moved out with his fiance and he now lives alone. That was, until Harry Styles came a long.

Just A Lightweight[larry stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now