Brothers till the end

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Heyo guys, girls, sisters and brothers!

I'm happy to present you a request from Silvaira, who wished for a 2007 one-shot.
Thanks for the request sis ;) I hope it's reaching your expectations.

To insure no angry people, I'll just state here at once: This one-shot is (sorta) dark and can possibly cause confusion.

I've tried my hardest. I'm really sorry if the guys aren't as 2007-ish as they could be, but 6200 words are hardcore stuff!

Any other requests or thoughts are of course welcome.

No further doing, I hope you'll enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own TMNT, the movie or anything further. Only plot.

Raphael always believed dreams and wishes never came true. That was just how it was. And anybody who thought otherwise was loading themselves with a bunch of crap. Hoping or thinking that everything would go your way wasn't enough. You had to take action; do something.

Dim, but however soothing light illuminated the home of the little mutant family. Four brothers: Raphael, Leonardo, Donatello and Michelangelo, played around in the Lair. They were still so young and still so happy, trying to find their place in the team there'd once so soon be created.

Little Raph stood with his elder brother Leonardo. Few seconds ago, they had been arguing whether or not Raph could preform the same skill as his brother just had mastered. Raph who never backed down from a challenge tried to repeat the kata little Leo just had been showing him, which he never would admit, was harder than expected.

Meanwhile a little away the youngest of the pack, Mikey, whispered giggling to his youngest big brother Donnie, while pointing less discreetly at his two other brothers, he found to be doing some hilarious movements.

Raph tried desperately to focus on the kata, but the muffled laugher from his younger brothers didn't slip unnoticed from him. Actually, for every time he spotted a finger point towards him, Raph's temper would rise and his patience decrease.

"Donnie!" Mikey giggled unintentionally loud. "Raphie looks like a monkey."

The comment finally cut little Raph's limit. Forgetting all about the kata, he turned to glare at his brothers while shouting. "Who do you call a monkey?!"

Barely letting him identify the new threat before them, Raph launched forward and tackled his brother to the floor, unintentionally dragging Donnie with the two of them down. Mikey yelped  and screamed his well-known girlish scream while they tussled on the floor, either trying to hit, escape or dodge the other.

"Guys! Master Splinter will get mad," Leo told, doing a helpless effort to separate the three of them. However in one of his attempts, Leo suddenly was grabbed and dragged into the bundle of siblings.

Yelps, screams, shouts and threats were exchanged between them, but eventually as they scrambled around more and more, the once fight turned into an innocent play, and their voices changed to happy laugher. At some point they stopped tossing one another just to find themselves in a pile of legs and arms which seemed impossible to get out of.

TMNT 2007 One-shot - Brothers to the endWhere stories live. Discover now