Brothers till the end - Sequel

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Hey again.

Long time, no see!
Originally, this only was a one-shot, but since some some asked for a continuation, and I, to be honest, had a desire to explore the story a little further, I've decided to write a continuation!
So, even if it's years since the first part came out, I hope someone wants to read. That'd make me happy😁

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!



Running, hiding, fighting. That was everything Leonardo had specialized himself in, ever since his father and sensei had begun his and his brothers' training, when they were kids. After years of hard work, he had reached a level even greater than most black-belted humans, ever could imagine.

Yet still, he couldn't help, but pray and push himself to run faster.. Faster and even faster! He had to move, although, his legs and body pleaded him to give up. The strain his muscles were under was stronger than what it had been back in New York. He could move freely in the rainforest, but the terrain  of never-ending fields of trees and lianas hindered him far more than the city's simpleness of skyscrapers and cars. 

It was a little under a week since he had left his brothers and father, without even a goodbye.  Just like master Splinter had ordered him to. Just like it was meant to be. Even after seven days apart, a nagging loneliness rested in the subconsciousness of  his mind. Leo didn't regret leaving, if it meant he could become someone better; someone his brothers could rely more on. But still, his thoughts turned over and over at the memories of the sleeping figures he had left behind.

Donatello's peaceful mumbling in the Lab, had been the last he had witnessed of his smartest little brother, as Leo had carried him to the purple Turtle's room. Donnie hadn't even stirred, yet alone noticed his oldest brother leave, for God knows how long. When he woke up, Leo wondered, how Donnie would react, when he found out Leo's authority had passed onto him, instead of Raph, who by birth technically were the rightful heir. Donnie most likely would take the responsibility, soon enough, when he'd figure out Leo had left.

Same couldn't be said about the most brute of the four brothers, Raphael. Leo had a hard time imagining, how he'd react. He knew, Raph likely would hate him, as soon as he found out; but would he let his temper take over or would he take upon the burden Leo had given Donnie? It was hard to say. When Leo had visited the red brother's bedroom, Raph had slept restlessly and turned in his bed with a nightmare. Leo had stayed awhile longer than intended till his brother had calmed down, but when he left, he might had imagined Raph reaching out after him.

Michelanglo was the easiest to guess. Their baby brother always, or at least very often, wore his heart at his non-existing sleeve. Mikey would cry and he'd question where and why his oldest brother had gone. If Leo had one regret, though, it'd be he had been well-aware that he'd ruin the sweet dreams Mikey had had in his sleep, before he had left for South America. yet still had left.

Coming to a halt, at one of the thickest boughs, Leo leaned against the trunk of the large tree. He was out of breath and his heart hurt silently, but it wasn't because of the exercise he had done since the first sunrays. RIght there, right at the very moment, he was weak. Just like master Splinter had said. Leo's love for his brothers was in the way for him becoming a true leader. To reach his goal to go home in a year, he had to focus. He to push away the pain. For his father and brothers' sake, but more than anything, for his own sake.

TMNT 2007 One-shot - Brothers to the endWhere stories live. Discover now