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How can a simple sign stop someone

But my words can't

Why are only men heard

Women don't get heard


You stop when i man says stop

But when someone like me says it u keep going

You run the light

I am a red light

I say stop

I mean stop

But you don't see it

You don't hear me

Stop means stop

No means no

During school you learn no means no

Then how come outside of school you use no against me


I just wish you heard my voice this time

You never hear me

That's what you say at least

When u hit me it leaves bruises

When those bruises go away it leaves bruises in my mind

Those memories of you are bruises on my light skin

But you didn't hear me say stop

When u touched me how i didn't like it i said stop

I was like a flashing light

Flashing blue and red

A policeMAN

You stop when you see one of those

But not me

My screams were heard

They should've been heard

But they weren't

They were muffled by your laughter

You think it's fun

All i want is you to stop.

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