Your name sounds like a boy's name, it's wierd

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A/n: Guys, there's gonna be some stuff that will happen that will make you think this isn't a naruto fanfic. But lemme tell you that it is. K? Good..


Louhan's Pov


I heard someone yell and that someone is one of my best friends, Katie. Wonderful. =__=

"Shut the fudge up woman! It's 4 frikin o'clock in the morning!" I yelled back, still closing my eyes

"Dude it's already 10." my other best friend, Axel, said

"Oh look, it's Xlr8. The boy who embarassed me at the mall by shouting that I pee in my bed everynight because I'm too scared to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night thinking that Chucky will appear in the toilet and tickle me to death." I retorted

The dude just smirked cockily.

"I swear to Number Three's rainbow monkeys that someday imma break that cocky face of yours." I swore

"Yeah and you'll soon regret it because you love me too much" he countered. I just rolled my eyes. He's totally not worth of my awesomeness.

"Hey I just realized that Louhan's name is like a boy's name..." Katie muttered. Talk about random. "Who cares? No one!" I exclaimed

"So you think Lou Hanna is a boy's name?" Axel asked incredulously.

"No, not Lou Hanna. Louhan! Like Luhan from exo!" she remarked joyfully. I gave her a wtf look. "Who the hell's Luhan?"

"Luhan is from EXO-M! You're like the girl version of Luhan, Luhanna" she explained. I made a face. "Oh yeah, that rainbow haired dude in Youtube." I stated boredly. "That was Sehun, Lou." she infromed. "It's funny how people add letter a to a boy's name so it would sound like a girl's name. Like Daniella." Axel stated "It's funny how some distance make everything seems small~" I sang "Whatever, I think they're gay." Axel commented, ignoring my angelic voice. "I think so too! Especially that Bake dude." I agreed (I have nothing against Exostans k? so we're cool..) Katie was about to say something when I interrupted her. "Ugh, forget about that, Fairy Tail episode 176 has been realeased!" I exclaimed. I quickly got up, took a shower and got ready for another anime day just like yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that, and the day before that and endless day before thats.

"Finally! After a year of waiting patiently!" Axel said and Katie then went to the window and shouted at the top of her lungs, "FAIRY TAIL 176 IS OUT PEOPLE!!!!!!"

"SHUT UP! WE KNOW!!" replied a random dude who was holding popcorn.

So yeah... I watched episode 175 to refresh my memory of what recently happened in The Grand Magic Games. I know I can always read manga. Ya know, because only the episodes were stopped and the manga continued. But it's cooler to watch episodes than read manga especially when there are fights and stuff.

"Wow, Sting and Rogue are soooo hot...." Katie muttered

"Way to go for kicking Sabertooth Dragonslayers' high and mighty butts Natsu!!" Axel cheered

"STIIING! I SHALL HEAL YOU WITH MY YOUTHFULNESS, MY DARLING!!" I exclaimed dramatically. I can almost imagine the scene *u*

"Louhan! Please heal me with your youthfulness!" says a limping Sting Eucliffe. "Of course Sting my darling! I shall heal you with my youthful kiss!" I was about to kiss him when Pein, wearing a two-piece bikini, pushed me. Then he striked a very disturbing pose. Holy crap! I thought. Then a really, really, really, muscly and bald Konan came into view and flexed her muscles. OH MY JASHIN!!! THIS IS SO DISTURBING!!

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