Uchiha's Head guehuehue

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It's so strange.... Iruka's not here yet... Not that I care. Don't get me wrong, I like the guy. It's just that even if this is the anime world, it's still school! So troublesome....

"Yo." I heard someone say beside me so I went to Narnia.

Just kiddin'. I looked at the said person.

"Heeeeey..." I narrowed my eyes at her, "You seem different.." I commented

She raised eyebrow. "Am I? I mean, have we met before?" she asked

I scoffed "Uh, no?"

Seriously, why is she different?! She must be all, 'Imma rape Sasuke-kun cuz he's cool and all!'. But hey, I ain't complainin'!

"Anyway, I'm Sakura Haruno. Welcome to the Academy. Sorry about that bitch earlier. Her name's Rai. I totally hate her. She's like, the bitchiest and most obsessed fangirl!" she said as she rolled her eyes

"You got that right." I replied. Hmmm... Sakura is not conscious about her image. Maybe she's not a fangirl!! I'm so proud of you Sakura... *wipe fake tear*

"So, where do you come from Louhan?" she asked crossing her legs like a boy. She was wearing an ordinary dark pink shirt and army green shorts and, of course, dark blue ninja shoes.

Her hair was, well, down but no accessory. I gotta say she looked better than the Sakura I know. We're gonna be great friends! Wahahahaha!

Wait, her question? Oh yeah...

"Faraway land..." I answered quietly.



"Blah blah blah blah Llamas are hot.. Blah blah blah blah Unicorns are evil carrots in disguise.. blah blah blah blah Poptarts are explosive blah blah blah blah" Iruka announced, well, what I think he announced. I wasn't paying attention.

"Team seven, Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Kagami Louhan, and, due to the odd number of students, Haruno Sakura."

"Oh yeah! I'm meeting cowman!!" I stood up and did a victory dance.

Everyone looked at me weirdly.

"Watcha starin at?!?! Witch!" I yelled

They all turned back to Iruka.


Then the blackboard eraser fell onto his silver head.

"AHAHAHAHAHA! Gotcha sensei!" I laughed and so did Naruto.

"Well, my first impression of you is...... I hate you..." he said

"DAMN RIGHT YOU DO!" I exclaimed

"Go to the roof."


"Alright introduce yourselves. Name, likes, dislikes, hobbies, ambition, stuff like that."

"How about you introduce yourself first sensei." Sakura suggested, an eyebrow raised. She always raises her eyebrow does she?

"Yeah, you seem suspicious" Naruto stated

"I don't really give a shizz.." I said boredly.

Ducky just sat there pretending he's a rock.

"Me? I'm Kakashi Hatake. My likes? I don't feel like telling you those. Same with my dislikes. I have many hobbies. And ambition? I haven't really thought about that."

"All we know is his name..." Sakura muttered

"Well he is Kakashi... What do you expect? Even Number Four's broccoli agrees with me!" I retorted

They all ignored me. Hmph!

"Let's start with the blonde one." Kakashi said

I felt something in my stomach. I looked at it..

Holy shizz! It's glowing!


"Huh? What do you mean glowing? It's not glowing, it's totally fine!" Sakura exclaimed

Eh? Huh, it's not glowing anymore.. I poked it. Fudging stomach!! I think I learned my lesson not to eat anything I find like a candy inside a science laboratory. Especially the ones with the black and yellow thingy on the container.

"You may continue Naruto" I told him

"Alright. My name is Naruto Uzumaki, believe it! I like ramen and pranks! Although I dislike waiting for three minutes for the ramen to cook. My hobbies are eating ramen and pranking people! And my ambition is to be th Hokage so that everyone in this village will acknowledge me, believe it!"

I joined him in his catchphrase. Though I just muttered mine so no one heard it.

"Next..." -Kakashi

"My name is Sakura Haruno. I like swimming, training, ramen and Sakura Blossoms. I dislike jerks, egotistical bastards, snakes and bitchy fangirls, specifically Rai. As for hobbies, well, reading. My ambition is to be the greatest and well-known and respected medical ninja ever." she stated proudly, doing an indian sit.


"My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I don't particularly like and dislike anything. My hobby is training.... What I have is not just an ambition for I will make it a reality. It's to restore my clan and kill a certain someone." he said

*complete awkward silence*

"Holy shizz! Speaking of the devil! It's Itachi!!" I exclaimed pointing at a random direction.

Sasuke's eyes widened and being the idiot that he is, looked at the direction quickly.

When he saw nothing and looked at me glaring, I had already lifted up the tip of my nose using my finger, stuck my tongue out at him while my eyes were crossed.

He shot daggers at me while I did the 'nobody cares' action with a rape face.

He didn't even realize that I know Itachi. I snickered

"Alright.. You" Kakashi pointed me.

I tried to imitate Sasuke's tone.

"My name is Louhan Kagami. I don't like or dislike anything. As long as it's something beneficial, it will do. I don't have any hobbies besides." I paused to grin evilly, "Opening peoples stomachs sloooowly while they're asleep and slooowly pulling their insides out.. And what I have is not only an ambition because I will make it real. TO CUT OFF THE LAST UCHIHA'S HEAD WHEN HE TURNS FOURTEEN AND SELL HIS SHARINGAN EYES!! AHAHAHAHA!!"

aaaaand I evil laughed, eyes wide, and head tilted to the side like Yuno in her crazy mode.

Sasuke looked like he just shit bricks.

"Alright. I see you are all unique in your own ways. Meet me tomorrow at the training grounds bright and early. We'll gonna have a training exercise tomorrow." he said

"Oh and remember not to eat breakfast, or you'll puke."


He disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Hey Sakura, what do you think about our sensei?" I asked Sakura

"He's cool." she casually replied

The guys had their own conversation. Me?

I decided that I would be a good girl for once and train.

XD Are you kidding me? Haha! Even Rein takes forever in forcing me to train!

I will train tonight though...

For the sake of my... um... nothing in particular! ;)

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