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Disclaimer: I don't own the story or characters featured in Gilmore Girls, however I have a fertile mind and a fan orphan heart.

A/N: Better late than never. It took me a while to update, but I'm here. Thank you for the affection and your amazing reviews. Please continue reading and telling me what you think. I love to hear your opinion. This chapter is shorter, but VERY important. Hope you like it. ❤


It was a long day stuck in their makeshift office. Between hours listening to interviews and endless paperwork, the staff was exhausted.

"Come on, guys. We're almost there. Think positive. Two days from now, we're going to have the whole weekend free." Rory pleaded, trying to convey motivation to the crew.

"Yay!" The small crowd pumped their first with fake enthusiasm, making Rory roll her eyes.

Logan was sitting across the room, staring at the computer screen. Realizing the team's lack of motivation, she approached him.

"I think we're losing them." She said.

He looked at the people with tired eyes and worn faces and then shrugged. "They just need a break."

"What you're are you suggesting?"

"Going out, grabbing a bite wouldn't hurt either. We're stuck in here for the entire day. We still have time tomorrow."

Rory bit nibbled the inside of her cheek and looked glanced over at them once more. "You're right."

He turned in his chair to face her. His face forming that mocking smile. "What?"

Rory rolled her eyes once more. He just wanted to hear her say the magic words again. With much reluctance, she repeated it to his delight. "I said you're right."

"I'm sorry, I just thought that your mouth was physically unable to utter these exact words of the English language, in this exact order."

"Bite me." She said with an annoyed grin, and focused back on their problem.

However, Logan rose from his chair and whispered as he passed her. "Be careful of what you wish, Ace."

Rory glanced quickly around, worried that someone had overheard them, but no one was looking at them. Except for Amy.

Rory just smiled at her friend, who smiled back. Apparently no look of concern on her face.

"So, how about we take a break, finish it tomorrow and grab a bite?" Logan suggested.

"Finally." A voice exclaimed among the group as everyone hurried to drop the paperwork and their laptops.

"Burgers?" Rory proposed.

"No, pizza!" Amy argued snapping a gum bubble and sucking it back against her lips.

"Chinese?" Tim added.

"What about everything? I know a place around here, guess everybody can be happy." Logan gave his recommendation.

People looked at each other and nodded in emphatic agreement.

"You know this place is a bar, right?" Rory sneered.

"I've noticed." Said Logan walking to the counter and ordering a drink. Rory just followed, arguing behind him. She managed her voice though; she didn't want to be the party pooper, although Logan already knew she wasn't that happy.

"It means people will drink and do God knows what. And a hangover can be a disaster for our work tomorrow."

"Ace, just relax. Nothing is going to happen. They will relax a little, have fun, interact with each other and tomorrow they will be more motivated to work. Trust me."

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