ϼϯ. Sῖx: Dαϯϵ ͷῖϭhϯ

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ϴͷῖkα's ϼϴν
αϼrl 12, 2000

"Soooo, are ya exited about ya first real date?" My mom asked me as she did my makeup. I shrugged. I was exited when Beyonce first announced she wanted to take me out but now my gut is telling me something different.

"Ya not excited huh?" My mother questioned. I turn my head only to feel it being turned back.

"Keep still, I'm almost done." She said. I kept still.

"Do you think I should be happy, you know, about actually dating someone like Beyonce?" I asked.

"Wha ya mean someone like bey? She seem cool ta me, is dere someting I don kno?" My mother asked, pausing on my eyeliner.

"Not that I know of. But we just met, isn't there something wrong with that picture?" I questioned. My mother sighed.

"Nika if ya don't wanna go ya don have tuh. There's nothing wrong with goin on a date wit somebody who likes ya. That's how people do it dese days and in da old days. It's jus a date. Now if ya talking bout fuckin-

"Momma!" I semi yelled, that was very unexpected for me.

"Wha! I'm grown chile. I'm jus tellin ya. Don't be a fool Onika. I didn't raise a hoe." My mom said. I only nodded.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you." My mother said sternly. I frowned and she laughed.

"I'm kiddin babeh. But for real Nika, you need to follow and rely on what your gut is tellin ya. Ya heart might be saying one ting but ya gut alweys right. It's up ya you tuh know to listen ta it. And I'm really pushin da issue on you cuz you don't have the ability ta use all ya senses. Dating people may or may not be critical fa ya, like I said, if you used them Otha senses ya got, you should be good." My mother said. I nodded.

"I'll go. I just won't be a fool." I smiled. My mother chuckled.

"Good, ya need to experience more anywey." She said. I rolled my eyes.

"Jus cause ya blind don't mean you can't control ya eyeballs Nika. Get hit." My mother said. I giggled and let her continue my makeup.

Just to say I updated. But Gimmie ideas for what's going to happen on this date.

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