Chapter 19

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Kalea hadn't gone to her room. She had searched the house far and wide to find Felix, because she felt guilt crawling up on her when Felix got involved in all of this. If she had just gone home with Richard none of this would've happened. And although this was against her father's wishes, she just had to get Felix out of this house. She remembered herself about the time when she was merely one week old and strange men arrived here. They were both neatly dressed and Richard had told her they were from the government, whatever that meant. She remembered how they were both held captive in this house for a few days and when they'd given the information her dad wanted they were both shot. She wasn't even sure if they were dead, but she knew she heard two gunshots while working out in the attic and she never saw the men again after that.

The problem was now, she didn't know if that was going to happen to Felix, if he was still alive and what her father wanted from him. There were more things that bothered her. She had absolutely no idea what had happened before on the street. How she'd gotten out of the wheelchair, why she couldn't control her body, she didn't know and was terrified by the thought such a thing could happen again. First of all, this house was too big. She didn't even know all rooms yet, she just knew where she wasn't allowed to come and where she was. Then there was the problem that her body hurt in every single muscle she could name, which were all of them. This probably happened because she was physically exhausted because of the fight and being hung upside down with a rope over a beam.

She considered Felix being in the cellar, since she was being held there with Agent 1 as well, but all remaining cells and rooms were completely empty. The first, second, and third floor were all dead ends as well and the attic was still collecting dust as always. She began doubting if Felix was even still in this house and if not, if he was dead or released. She ran downstairs again to check the cellar one last time. Perhaps he was somewhere in a corner where she hadn't seen him. Once in the hall on the ground floor she walked toward the cellar door with quick, small steps when she got the fright of her life. She bumped into Richard who looked at her with the same surprise and the same shock on his face. Once she pulled herself together she noticed how nervous Richard was and she saw the sweat dripping down from his forehead. Without saying anything, Richard grabbed Kalea by her shoulder and pulled her upstairs to his own room. He unlocked the door and pushed Kalea inside. There, in the middle of the room, was Felix tied up to a chair. He looked weary and tired and his eyes were closed. Richard threw a knife towards Kalea and took a deep breath. 'See me downstairs and don't make a sound,' he whispered as he already turned around to leave the room. Kalea didn't hesitate and quickly untied Felix from the chair, letting the ropes fall to the floor. She couldn't carry him downstairs so she had to wake him up one way or another. First, she just shook him to see if he would react to that. When he didn't wake up, she decided higher measures should be taken. She took a deep breath and then slapped Felix on his cheek as hard as she could. Felix yelled as he reached his hand to his cheek but Kalea quickly covered his mouth with her hands. She then put a finger against her own mouth to gesture Felix to be quiet. Felix nodded but with a certain gaze in his eyes of betrayal as he continued rubbing his cheek which now burned like a whip. Kalea silently grabbed Felix's arm and put it over her shoulder, supporting him when he got up. They walked like this in the most silent way you could imagine. Felix had no idea what was going on but was quiet as a mouse, even afraid to breathe. They walked down the stairs to the cellar door which was already open.

Once downstairs they clearly heard the sound of blunt objects being thrown to the walls and people groaning. She walked Felix into another room, turned on the light and placed him on the bed in the corner. 'Wait here,' she mouthed. Felix nodded and looked down at his shaking hands. Kalea walked over to the room where, probably, both Richard and Agent 1 were fighting and calmly opened the door. She knew she was right when she saw them both pulling each other's hair and labelled themselves with black spots on their bodies. Once they both saw Kalea standing in the doorway, they both stiffened and let go of one another. 'Felix is in the other room,' Kalea whispered, 'are you two done?'

Scarlett confusingly pulled Richard's sleeve. The fact that she didn't understand the definition of a rescue mission was clearly readable from her face as she silently shuffled outside of her prison with Richard and Kalea. Richard already led the way upstairs while Kalea got Felix out of the other room. Scarlett pretty much understood she had to be quiet but wasn't understanding what was happening, or why.

Once back in the hall, Richard turned around to make an announcement, but instead explained with arm movement and sign language. Kalea was the only one who seemed to understand and nodded approvingly. 'Back door,' she mouthed.

They shuffled to the other side of the house, trying to make no sounds at all. Scarlett could already see the back door as the sun was nearly coming up. She wanted to quicken her steps but Richard stopped her. He pointed to a camera hanging in a corner near the door and Scarlett immediately understood she wasn't going to walk out this easily. She scanned the room and the camera. The camera only faced the room and didn't move. The only thing they had to do was crawl and they would go unnoticed. Kalea understood this as well and had already dropped to her knees, still holding a traumatized Felix who was unable to move on himself. She dropped him half over her back, making him slide over the floor without doing anything. Richard went first, knowing exactly where to hide and how to move through the room. He crawled to the couch on his belly and signed to the others to do it the exact same way he had done it. He now crawled to a big, blue chair on his squat and made a head roll to the next one. He was now very close to the big, glass door and reached for the doorknob. Scarlett followed him from the couch to the chair and watched in expectation to see how the door opened and a small breeze entered the room. Richard crawled outside, still quiet and was followed by the rest. They all let out a sigh of relief and Richard closed the door behind him again. He still didn't say anything but now walked with firm steps off of the property. Something about him said that they shouldn't drop their guards yet until they were out of sight. They walked out of the garden, which was way bigger than Scarlett or Felix imagined and stopped in a small and quiet street. Richard turned around and scraped his throat as he looked at Felix. 'He needs care,' he said with an expressionless face. Scarlett immediately had an idea. 'We could ask my dad,' she said, 'he can help us.'

But Richard was already shaking his head. 'You can't go home,' Kalea explained as she tried getting Felix back on his legs. Scarlett didn't need any more explanation, she hadn't thought about it that way. She could be tracked one way or another. She didn't know if Raphael had implanted anything in her or not, like a chip.

'We should at least wait 24 hours until seeking help,' Richard suggested, 'but I don't know where we could stay in the meantime.'

Everyone gathered their thoughts immediately, trying to come up with a good place to hide or at least seek shelter. Some people on the street turned around when they saw the group standing together. They probably looked like a strange bunch of teenagers and Scarlett quickly got uncomfortable with everyone passing by staring at her. 'I know a place,' Felix whispered under his breath. His voice sounded horribly scorned and hoarse. The others looked at each other and silently agreed that this was their best shot. 'Lead us the way,' said Scarlett uncertainly.

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