Chapter 28

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The group had gathered in the basement and stood around one, metal table. Scarlett was eager to find out what the plan would be. How they would defeat Raphael and Edward. August had pressed his hands in his side and looked at the two teenagers before him. He wasn't sure about it yet, but Richard and Scarlett had a heavy weight and responsibility on their shoulders. The plan would be executed by them, so it was only natural to feel the tension growing in the room. Richard and Scarlett looked at August with great expectations glimmering in their eyes, while Richard tried to hide it and come up with a plan as well. After a while of silence, August finally cleared his throat to speak up. 'So, we need a plan,' he said with hesitation. Scarlett sighed. 'Duh. Tell me something I don't know. I say that we kill that Edward guy and that Raphael guy,' she said as she slammed her fists on the table. The two men looked at her with a mix of surprise and disgust. 'We can't go off and kill people, Scarlett. We'll end up in prison if we do something like that,' Richard said as he looked at her. A flow of disappointment ran through Scarlett's veins that was quickly replaced with brand-new excitement. 'It's only a crime if they find the body,' she started after which the men looked at her with frustration, even though Richard had to admit he liked her way of thinking. 'What? I'm just saying,' Scarlett said after she noticed the looks she got from her proposal. A loud squeak echoed through the room as the cellar door was opened. Thomas walked down the stairs with a gloomy look on his face. 'How'd go?', Richard asked when he saw the big man walking down. He shook his head. 'Not good. I brought them home and they're safe. But-'

He stopped, looked down at his feet and then back into the room. 'But what?', August asked as he saw his friend sit down on the metal staircase. In truth, Thomas' thoughts were overrun by Richard. The mysterious Richard who somehow looked so familiar and yet so distant. Was it just the fact that he missed his son too much that he began to suspect this random boy? No, his son was dead. But then other questions raised in his mind. Who was Richard? August walked up to Thomas' side and put a hand on his shoulder. He didn't know what bothered his best friend but could see that he was anything but fine. 'Now is not the time for more problems, Tom,' he said. 'Are you joining this meeting or not?'

Thomas nodded silently, stood up and walked with August to the metal table. 'So, do you think Kalea and I were really created to do good to the world?', Scarlett asked, pulling the attention to her. August shook his head. 'No, I don't believe so. I believe they just said that to the public to make it harder for us to reach them. All this is probably my father's idea. Raphael was just stupid enough to help him with it.'

'So, what is their plan?', Richard asked. August shrugged his shoulders. 'Power? Domination? Somewhere in that street.'

Thomas nodded. 'Don't forget Raphael once kidnapped my family and I to receive Top Secret information and receive money. This guy is willing to do anything to get what he wants.'

Scarlett was surprised to hear this. No one ever talked much about Thomas and Dawn's past. Her father always told her not to ask about it. But now that Thomas had opened up, perhaps now was her chance. 'Would you tell us that story?', Scarlett began. August looked at her with a glance of nervousness in his eyes. 'What? Perhaps there's a lead in his story,' Scarlett continued.

Thomas sighed.

As if his past had been inevitable to hide from the world. They'd figure it out anyway. He cleared his throat and told his story. How he'd been a secret agent, how he was kidnapped and how his son died in the explosion. Everyone in the room listened with their full concentration, as if every word he said could be a clue or a lead to something. Once he was done, a downcast ambiance filled the room. No one talked; everyone was too busy analyzing the story and thinking for themselves. The only sounds that were made for a total of three minutes was the sound of people breathing and sighing.

Eventually Richard cleared his throat, pulling everyone from their thoughts.

'So, what did he do with the information? And what information did he get?'

It was a good question. One that had been tickling Scarlett's brain and thoughts as well. Everyone had their own thoughts on the situation as it was. August had a blank expression on his face, hiding his curiosity. Even he never knew what information was leaked out to his brother. Whereas Thomas knew he had to speak up this time. No matter how much he'd hide it, he had to speak up sometime. 'Most of it was personal information of government leaders and even presidents from abroad.' He paused for a minute, putting everything he knew on one line. 'And the whereabouts of Lorna Rose.'

Thomas fixated his eyes on August, expecting some kind of reaction, but his face stayed blank and emotionless. Meanwhile confusion hang between Scarlett and Richard. They understood the personal information stuff, but they both had no idea who Lorna Rose was. Finally, August spoke up. 'Lorna Rose is dead. They're just wasting their time.'

Thomas wanted to respond but understood August's point of view and didn't want to pressure his friend. 'Well, perhaps we can find some information on her, can't we?', Scarlett asked but August already shook his head. 'It would be a good start but I'm afraid we wouldn't find anything. If there's still a bit of information about Lorna Rose in the world it would be in Raphael's possession. And I say if.'

A moment of silence passed. 'Do we have any other lead than Lorna Rose?', Richard asked eventually. Thomas and August shook their heads. 'Then I suggest we start looking for information about Lorna Rose.'

'How'd you want to do that?', Scarlett spat. They just said that the only information on earth was with Raphael.

'We're going to break in the mansion.'

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