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Snow had fallen down that night and the snow crunched underneath their feet. It was the last day before Christmas holidays and kids were hurrying in and out of the school since it was lunchtime. 'The principal will be in seventh heaven when we tell him,' Scarlett said as she buried her face in her scarf. Kalea and Felix smiled but August stayed as serious as he could. He already talked to the principal on the phone and was sure everything would go just fine. They walked up the stairs and into the school building only to be surprised by something none of them would've expected. Through the entire hallway, posters hang on the walls and the lockers, showing a clear photograph of Richard, Felix, Scarlett and Kalea walking home. The headline stood above it and Scarlett knew immediately who'd done it.

Losers and Homeless People? They're here at our school too!

'Eliza,' mumbled Scarlett, pressing back her anger. August pushed her forward. 'C'mon, we don't have time for that.'

They kept walking through the school while nearly everybody was keenly interested in them. Kalea could almost feel her skin burning from all those stares. The principal's office was on the first floor and when they entered, the principal was already waiting for them. A silver-like plate stood on front of his desk saying; Principal Sanders.

Principal Sanders was a new principal since the beginning of the year and from everything he heard, he was not all too happy Scarlett was a student at his school. August formerly shaked his hand and the kids followed his lead. 'Welcome, please sit down,' Principal Sanders said as he pointed to the chairs in front of him. He sighed as he looked at the small group in front of him. 'So, Mr. Wood, we already talked on the phone but I've seen to miss some of the things you told me. You told me that these children will be homeschooled?'

'Yes,' August immediately replied, 'and I also told you that Mr. Chips here will so as well.'

'Yes, about that. You're not his legal guardian, are you?', the principal asked as he rummaged through some papers on his desk. 'I tried to explain that to you on the phone, but I think you misunderstood. I am not his legal guardian, no. But I am taking care of him from now on.'

'And on which authorities?'

August grabbed his bag and searched for some papers. When he found them, he lay them on the desk and shoved them towards Principal Sanders. 'Tell me, Mr. Sanders, have you ever heard of Project X?'

The principal raised his eyebrows. 'Of course I have, it turned into a secret agency with the help of a few teenagers, didn't it? The government started funding it after both Mr. Addams' disappeared without a trace and another son, heir to their money, stepped forward to claim it and boost the project into an agency.'

August smiled. It had been a month since he reclaimed his original name and was glad that he now had a reputation. 'Yes,' August grinned, 'even though my daughter, Scarlett, wanted to keep her old name, I indeed changed mine back to Addams.'

The office fell quiet for a moment but after a few seconds, the principal burst out laughing. 'Ha! You? The famous August Addams? Don't make me laugh, I don't have time for childish lies.'

'I'm afraid to say it's true,' Scarlett said, 'search up the news old man because your sitting right in front of him. Principal Sanders' smile faded off of his face as he quickly grabbed for his phone. It took him a while, but after the group waited patiently for the principal to find out, he simply lay his phone back on the desk and looked down full disbelief. 'I,' he started, 'am sorry. I was disrespectful. I think I understand the situation now, the kids already have a career.'

August nodded. 'I believe you will do everything in your power to settle things here at this school.'

He stood up, followed by the principal and the kids and shook his hand. 'It was a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Addams,' Principal Sanders said softly. 'The pleasure was all mine,' August replied with a grin. They walked out of the office and almost out of the school when Scarlett felt a cold hand grabbing her arm and trying to pull her back. It wasn't a strong arm but Scarlett pretended that she was pulled back. A group of boys and girls stood in front of her with, to Scarlett big surprise as leader, Eliza.

'Bonjour, mademoiselle Merde.'

'I don't know what that means,' Eliza snarled back while a few students plus Kalea and Felix were grinning by her remark. 'What's the deal with you being homeless?', she asked. Scarlett was surprised how nobody followed the news for once. She was sure she'd appeared on screen over five times now. 'There are some really ignorant people in this world. Thank you for letting me understand that,' Scarlett said as she wanted to turn around and walk away. One part of her wanted to leave this place behind forever, never see these people again but the other part wanted to stay and give Eliza what she deserved. 'But you are homeless, right?', Eliza kept asking, 'I've seen you walking with those losers and the clothes you wore. All dirty and ragged. So why don't you tell the truth you baby? Are you scared?'

Scarlett was pressuring her breaths now as she looked at her father and the other two. Kalea gave a small nod and eyed a go-and-get-her.

'Hey!', Eliza yelled, 'Are you scared? Aww, Scarlett's gonna cry!'

While she and some of her classmates laughed, Scarlett turned around and landed her fist on Eliza pretty, perfect nose, making her fall to the ground. The classmates quickly backed away as Eliza immediately cried, holding her now broken nose. Scarlett kneeled down by her and smiled. 'If you ever have a problem with me or my family again, write it on a piece of paper, fold it and shove it up your ass.'

After that, she stood up and walked out of the school building. Her heart was racing with joy. She always wanted to do that. The others quickly joined up with her as August raised his hand for a high five. 'So, what have we learned today?', Kalea joked.

'Um, straight up bitches go to hell?', Scarlett responded.

'I was actually going to say that you need to do what you want in a world that doesn't let you but sure, that one's fine too.'

Felix nearly slipped on ice as they were walking back to the mansion. There wasn't a moment he regretted his decision to join the PJX as well. He knew his life would be lived different from now on, but he didn't mind at all. He couldn't wait to leave his old life behind. And even after all they'd been through, August kept smiling. For Project X was alive again; this time with a different purpose.

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