Chapter fourteen

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Ethan's POV

I was filthy angry with Theia. I just could NOT believe the gal of this woman, she had been stranded on a freaking highway and when I had reached her she had been gazing at the stupid ocean.

I mean, how lame was that?

She had been dodging my calls and SMS's all week, running a mile when I went to her pub, getting all cosy with that stupid jerk and now she said she wanted to get away. For what? She had been driving me insane with worry and now this.

Lord, I wanted to hit something so bad.

And now she was giving me excuses.

"Listen I was holed up in my house for the last week and I was just sick of it, I wanted to .." She said again and my fury was just bubbling up.

"And who's fault is that?" I demanded. I was so angry right now, I just wanted to shake her. But when I looked at her, I saw HER fury and then she snapped.

"Your's. It's your fault. Dammit. Before you my life was perfect and then you came along and whirled it upside down." Her words hit me right at the heart.

I wasn't the only one.

She felt the same.

"You kissed me, smiled at me, looked at me ith those ocean eyes and I was lost, okay. And I'm scared, alright. I've never felt this way before you and I do ..." My fury melted, heart pumped against my chest and a heartfelt smile touched my lips and then I crossed the distance between us and placed my lips on her's.

And she gladly shut up.

And I was glad.

Cause I had missed her. The way she melted in my arms when I kissed her, the way she fumbled with her thumb when she was nervous, her witty remarks .. EVERYTHING.

And now here she was making me ecstatic!

I made love to her mouth, gently, sensuously, nibbling at her lower lip and then I heard her whimper and my eyes rolled back.

God, she made me hot all over.

I groaned and pulled back.

"If it's any consolation you have been rocking my world, too." I whispered agaisnt my lips.

And I heard her giggle, the sensation was amazing.

I couldn't imagine life without her now.

She was my star, moon and sunshine.

My everything.

"I'm glad." She whispered and I kissed her with all my might, loosing myself in her embrace.

She had been driving me crazy since the time she had landed on top off me, I was lost after that and that day at the park I had been knocked for six.

There was no hope for me after that.

And I was done with the shower's now, she was mine.

"I'm gonna do bad things to you." I growled in her ear and she laughed. My heart swelled.

"I want you, so bad, Theia." I whispered again and looked down at her, I saw the smoke in her eyes and then she went on tip-toe and laid a gentle kiss at the side of my mouth.

I took that as a yes.

Theia's POV

I kissed the side of his mouth in answer and I felt Ethan's heart bump.

He then picked me up and carried me to the bedroom, his room was dark and all the light was the moons', in the darkness when he gently laid me down on the bed it was heaven. I heard the rustling of his clothes and my heart went on a field trip.

Oh my god, what was I doing?

I went breathless when he was beside me, the musky scent of his skin had me hyperventilating.

"Ethan." His name escaped me and then he was on top off me.

"Boo." He whispered and then I was lost.

Completely in his touc. He was touching me everywhere, his mouth trailed hot kisses down my neck to my heart and he kissed it gently.

"You're leaving me breathless." He whispered and I gasped.

We were thinking alike.

As his mouth moved seductively over mine, a small sound of wonder escaped my throat.

Without any thought of the consequences, I clutched his hard shoulders and held fast, my lips parting freely at his persuasion. A surge of pleasure passed me as his tongue began its own journey.

He came up for air, he kissed my eyes, my cheek, and then his mouth went to my neck, gently nuzzling at the skin.

My heart was beating wildly; he caught the pulse and without any warning bit there. My breath came out in a whoosh.

He took hold of my hands and laid them on his shirt front. I shivered but followed his lead and placed my hand on his naked chest, Ethan's muscles leaped in reflex wherever I touched, his hand traced a blue vain from my neck to the swell of my breast and my nipple tightened, his touch was driving me insane, very slowly he bend his head down again and kissed me just over my breast. His thumb moved over it and it strained on his touch.

"Ethan." My voice cracked and it was hard to make sure if it was a plea or protest.

"I know, baby." Ethan muttered, he knew what I wanted.

He made a deep and fierce voice in his throat, his hands lifted and curled themselves in my hair, lifting my head backwards so that he could trace the line of my throat, and he stopped at my pulsing beat and pressed two fingers there, making me cry out against him. His hands found my breasts and then his mouth; he drew at my flesh, the pure wild pleasure shot through me like adrenaline. My whole body arched convulsively, his hand travelled down to my thigh and he moved higher to touch me through the thin material that separated us, that made me whimper in response and press closer to him. Ethan was breathing hard when he finally lifted his head off my breast; he got off the bed and then he was naked.

And I went mad.

Under just the moon light Ethan looked like a God.

A freaking God.

He was so beautiful and so very male.

"Oh my God, you're hot." I whispered when he joined me again.

"I'm very hot and I'm just on the verge of explosion." He muttered while his hands and mouth was moving over my body in intimate caresses. With a growl he rolled on top off me and nuzzled my belly. I was a little shocked by him, I thought he was going to make love to me impatiently but he was going impossibly slow. He took me to a point where I thought I would explode.

"Ethan." I pleaded and he closed his mouth over mine to prevent the groan. That is when he gently pried my legs apart and then he was there.

I groaned into his mouth and his kiss became even more urgent, he was taking me to a peak with the rhythmic drive of his body within mine.

And for that time atleast we were one.

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