the new av club

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The 7 students made their way to their seats, the boys sitting close together near the front, Max and El sitting together in the back

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The 7 students made their way to their seats, the boys sitting close together near the front, Max and El sitting together in the back. {You} walked in quietly and tried to sit down next to El without being noticed by Mr. Clarke. She was unsuccessful.
   "You. Must. Be... One second let me have a look," Mr. Clarke opened a yellow paged book from his desk and read out a name, "{your full name}, that's you, correct?"
   "Yes that's me!" She bent down to sit in her chair before she was interrupted.
   "No." El said with a stern face. She clearly didn't want {you} to sit next to her. {You} moves closer to the front and sat between Will and Mike.
   "Uh, d-don't worry about her, she's juh-just nervous. She'll get over it soon enough." He smiles and looked back at El who was staring and him in awe, she quickly stopped after seeing him turn around, she put her head down and wrote the date in her book.
   "Class, for those of you who weren't listening, please get out your textbooks... Mike, I don't see your book anywhere?!" He pointed at Mikes desk, and looked him in the eye.
   "Oh shi-" he stopped himself before he swore, which would definitely land him in detention "I'm sorry Mr. Clarke I've left it at home."
   "Uh Mike, you can borrow mine if you like, it's new there's nothing in it, if that helps?" {You} passes her new green textbook to Mike smiling as their hands touch. She moved her hand and wipes it on her thigh just as she did when Mike helped her up off the floor outside. He laughed for a second before the lights were turned off.      
   "THIS IS THE HUMAN HEART, the first thing we will be doing today is..."
   40 minutes later.
          The bell rings.
   "Class I bid you, good day. And uh, Mike, Will, Dustin, Lucas, AV Club will be at 1:10 pm as usual. Max, El you're welcome too." Mr. Clarke looked at {you} and continued with "Oh and anyone else who wants to come!"
   They all nodded and walked out to go to 2nd period. Only three lessons left until they were allowed to actually do something interesting in AV Club.
The lunch bell rings.
   "AV Club, here we come, baby!" Dustin said punching his fist into the air. And strutting towards the AV Room, may I add, with pride.
   "Dustin wait up!" Lucas shouted. Running up to him. The others followed, including {you}. They opened the door and to {you}'s surprise it was a tiny closet room with a big, radio looking thingy in the middle. (Well that's what {you} would've called it.) they all stepped in, Will, closing the door behind him.
  "So guys, I have something for you." Dustin said, pulling something out of his back pack.
  "Dustin, I swear to god, if you pull out a fucking mythical creatu-" Max was interrupted.
   "No it's not another Dem-uh-one of those... it's actually a book from the library." I slams the book down on the table and pushes it into the middle. He opens it to page 463. "This, is an atom."
   "Dustin, we all know what an atom is." {You} says.
   "This isn't just any atom. This is an atom only found in things from other dimensions..." Dustin looked at Will, in a consulting way to ask if {you} was trustworthy. Will looked back at him in confusion. "{You}, can you cover your ears for a sec."
   "Uh, sure." {You} covered her ears and looked away. She wanted them to trust her, she was willing to do anything for friends in this place.
   "Do you think we can trust her. The whole 'upside down thing', I don't know, Max you weren't exactly the best when we told you. What do you think she'll say?" Dustin said looking up to Max.
   "Well I don't know her very well but she seems nice so she would, probably, maybe, possibly take it well?" She raised her shoulders, "But there's no harm in trying!"
   "{You} you can join in again, sorry for that." Mike said tapping on her shoulder. "If you're willing to keep what we say in this room between us, you can stay. But if you think for a second that we're lying or you think you can't handle this. You need to leave. Understand?" Mike looked at {you}, he needed to know the answer then and there.
   "I promise I won't tell anyone, it can't be that bad." They all sat on the floor and explained their parts of the story, in order. El even spoke a bit here and there, she was growing to like {you} a little bit, she didn't want to but she was.
   {You} sat there taking it all in, stopping sometimes to ask questions, she felt very included in their lives even though they'd only known each other for 4-5 hours. The story was long, it took up the whole lunch break. They promised to finish talking about it after school. They would meet up at the back of the school, with their bikes, and not tell a soul.

authors note

if you like this please let me know, I really want this story to do better than my last one because I am not happy with it in the slightest. 😂. thanks for reading, if you have any questions just ask xo

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