Chapter Two: The ones who run

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Emma's POV:

I honestly don't know what gave me the courage to stand-up to the people...or more like confront the people that have been bullying me since grade school. Walking into to my class, feeling uneasy. No one stands up to them and I just did... in front of a bunch of people. I mentally face-palmed myself. I was so screwed. First and second period went by in a blur of whispers, glances and people trying to point at me secretly but no I saw them all.

Walking into my Third period English class and sitting down, I could feel everyone's eye on me and the whispering was driving me nuts. I looked up as Axel walked in the room...yeah you read right. He has the same class, awesome right? (note the sarcasm). Normally I sit in the front and he sat in the back. But today he walked right over to me. Which gave me severe anxiety so I reach up and to stroke my Half Moon necklace and I don't feel it and I panic and run from the class passing a concerned Axel.

Fleeing from class, Axel was the last thing on my mind. That Necklace was the most important thing in the world to me. It was my inheritance when my parents died, I was supposed to receive it when I turned 17, (which I turned 17 last week) But when they died when I was 13 in a hospital from a car accident , I got it early... Ever since I got it I never took it off, it was my rock. It helped me control my anxiety and my worrying, it just helps me in ways I can't explain.

I retraced my steps bursting into many occupied classrooms and frantically searched, but I couldn't find it. And finally I retraced my steps to the corner where I ran into Ashley and I broke down falling on my knees. It was one of the last things I had of them and it was gone.

After 10 minutes of crying, I stand up and I decided I couldn't go back to my English class or even go to any of my other classes and walked out to the parking lot. Getting into my 2015 Silver convertible Volkswagen beetle, I opened the top and pulled out of my parking spot and then drove out of the parking lot.

Driving Home, I knew I had to take the longest route because it being only 12:15pm, my grandma would be home until 12:45 pm. So taking the long route through the downtown which consisted of a few coffee shops, a strip mall, and some homes, I spotted a new cute little coffee shop and pulled over. Not wanting, to look like a mess with my mascara running down my face, and pull out makeup wipes from my glove box and tried to get as much off my face as possible. Feeling accomplished with my face, having got a good amount off, I put the makeup wipes back and dispose of the used makeup wipes in my little trash bin I leave in my car which wasn't full. I open my car door and jumped out. Entering the little coffee shop, I received many glares like a killed someone which scared me a little. Walking up to the register, I looked at the menu.

I order a Caramel Macchiato with Whipped Cream and Caramel Drizzle, and waited for it. While, I was waiting I looked around. It looks a lot smaller on the outside. Inside, it had an elegant theme with Crystal Chandeliers and a Ballroom type set up, with a home feel. The people all looked so alive which I enjoyed.

The Barista gave me my drive and I sat down at a table with two chairs by a window and let out the breath I didn't know I was holding and relax. Staring out the window and drinking my Caramel Macchiato I do something I haven't done in a while, I pause and look at the surrounding things. There was a mild traffic flow and people walking around and I smile. Life isn't so bad if you stop and smell the roses I think to myself smiling.

Finishing my Coffee, I get up and leave a $20 tip because I felt the coffee shop gave more than just the coffee to me. Getting into my car, I smile and sigh, Today didn't turn out so bad. I pull out of my spot and head the quick way home since I had been in the coffee shop for an hour.

The quick way home is through a maze of tree in the the middle of nowhere. Why? I still don't know guess my grandma didn't like people. I hear several howls from a distance and one relatively close. Going around on of the countless curves, a wolf appears in the road and I slam on my break. And my head hits the steering wheel. Barely conscious, I watch the wolf run off the road and I stumbled out of my car. I run towards where the wolf was and look frantically of it and it was nowhere to be seen.

Something wet running down my face, am I crying? I reach up and inspect my hand and its red. I race to the car and look in the car mirror. I have a gash in my forehead, which weirdly didn't hurt until now. I get in the car and quickly but cautiously drive the rest of the way home.


Axel's POV

After getting to my First period, the rest of the day was a blur until third period. My English class. The only class I had with Emma, who I never noticed before other than the time, we've bullied her. I walk in and Emma is already in her seat looking poised and breathtaking. I start to walk toward her and I realize she's actually hot. Her hair was now down and it fell down in perfect wave and her face looked angelic, her eye had a sparkle I never seen before they were a breathtaking Crystal Blue.

As soon as Emma saw me walking towards her she panicked and reached up for something and then she was frantic. She must be looking for her necklace. Smacking all my pants pockets, I searched for where I put the necklace. She brushed past me running out of the class before I could hand her it. The teacher walked in right after her running out and She told me to sit in my seat.

~A Hour Later~

Emma never came back which made me scared. So blowing off my next class, I drive around town searching for her. All of a sudden I caught her scent and I was stuck in traffic since there was oddly a car wreck. Turning off my car I ran towards the forest and next thing I know I'm shifting and running at full speed towards the scent. Dodging many trees, I finally ran into one and let me tell you it fucking hurt. But giving my wolf full control, he pursued on.

I came to a road and I turned my head left and right and no one was coming so I walked to the middle of the road and I hear my other pack members howling for me. So I mind linked them, 'Guys Go back to school, I'm fine', I growled then let out a howl. Suddenly I hear the sound of a car coming towards me fast and I tilt my head towards the car. It's Emma! Sure enough her car comes around the corner then when she sees me she slams on her brake and when I say slam it was hard. The car stopped inches from me. I look at her and her head is on the steering wheel. She lifts up her head and looks at me and there is blood going down her head. My wolf whined.

'Hush, we need to get out of here before she recognizes us' I tell him.

My wolf laughs, 'She won't, her wolf isn't even awake yet.'

'What?' I question. But my wolf dismisses my question and runs off the road into the forest to bushes that were thick enough to hide in to watch Emma.

She stumbles out of the car and walks towards the spot I was a minute ago. We watch her look after towards us and then reach up towards her head and looks at the blood on her hand. She frantically run to her car mirror and look at her gash. After a minute of inspecting it, She got in and drove off. As soon as my wolf only saw the light of her taillights, we took off in the cover of the forest and followed her 15 minutes away to her house. Which was 5 minutes from my house and watched her get into her house then I remembered my car in traffic then took off once again.

Traffic hadn't moved at all so getting into my car, I find the perfect opening into an alley and drive flawlessly through. As soon as I got out of the alley I drive towards Emma's and my house.


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry this was a bit longer but I watched to capture as much detail as I could, so you guys could picture it sorta...maybe But hey I'm still new at this don't forget to read my other story The Wiccire. Anyways, I am also sorry It took me so long to update. I just was trying to think how this chapter should go.

Well I'm tired so goodnight my dudes :)


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