King Dice x Devils Lackey! Reader

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(Okay Note: In This Story, I had Cuphead and Mug's Body made out of really tough glass, don't question it.)

After the two cup brothers defeated the Devil and burned the soul contracts most to everyone was free. King Dice was a free man, he was a much kinder person. Wonder where he learned to sing, that was from you. You taught him how to play poker, blackjack, craps, you name it you most likely taught him. You've known Dice since childhood, he wears just about the same clothing only in much bigger sizes.  But, you were torn from the hope of seeing your friend, not as an enemy, when the devil decided to force the role of his lackey onto you. If he said something, like an order, you would obey without seconds thought. How you probably ask, he made you inhale some red dust. This formed a red haze over your eyes, this blurred all thoughts other than orders he gave. Right now he gave you the order of gaining Ribby and Croak's soul contracts. The description was two frogs, one tall and short, that wore boxing gloves. The final part of his order was "If anyone gets in your way kill 'em." You made your way through the forest, the people knew to scatter. You've done plenty of the Devil's work to gain a title. You made your way to a small clearing, a few people sat there Cuphead and Mugman, Hilda Berg, Ribby and Croaks, and King Dice. You almost hesitated when you saw him, "R-ribby and Croaks, I am here to collect the devil's due. How do you wish to settle this?" Your soft yet terrifying voice said, sounding like an echo. "(Y/n)?" Your heart sunk a little, his voice sounded low. You were caught off guard, this gave the two frogs the advantage. Ribby to clash with the side of your face, sending you back slightly, you needed to regain your attention. Tearing your eyes away from King you focused on the two frogs, " be it" you said, clapping your hands in the motion of striking a match, your fists were engulfed in a blazing (color) fire. The frogs couldn't match your speed, you would strike the jump and or duck their punches. This continued for a while before you used a random pole that happened to be there for plot reasons to send yourself flying at the two. Each foot connecting with a frog, successfully knocking both frogs over. You looked down at the frogs, beaten and bruised. You reached into their gloves, pulling out the contracts. "Hey! You can't do that!" The red cup yelled as he marched toward you, his fists bunched up. "Stay out of this cup," you said as you tucked the contracts into a pouch on your side. "No! They were our friends! I'll bet I can beat up in a fight." This gained a few shocked gasps from the small party as they watched, that included King Dice. He couldn't get his eyes off of you, 'This isn't her, she would never act like this.' He thought as he watched you remove the jacket, "What would I gain?" Her voice echoed slightly, the red haze in her eyes glowing more than they had. "If I lose..i'll let you decide what happens, but if I win I get their contracts." You rolled your wrists before striking them together once more, igniting them in flames once again. The cup rushed at you, you smiled as he jumped up at you. You saw the advantage, grabbing his arm you twisted, with your other hand you smashed through his arm, sending him back in the picnic's direction. "Cup!" the mug yelled, Dice stood up, anger filled his eyes. You stepped lightly on the body of the cup, with his other arm he tried removing it but failed. "I guess I win." You said the cup's eyes held fear and ignorance. "What do I get? An apology." This shocked them, "I-i'm sorry." He said, you lifted your foot and knelt down. Grabbing his shattered arm you placed it to where it should be, your hands still in flames you melted the glass together. You stood up and put your jacket on, "I might work for him, but that doesn't mean I enjoy it." With that, you began walking into the forest. You reached the casino, climbing the stairs you walked in, instantly getting bombarded with the smell of smoke and beer. You force yourself to smile, walking around the different game tables you made your way to the boss. Knocking on the door, you pushed it open slightly. He looked mad, "What?" He growled as you walked forward, placing the frog's soul contracts on his desk. A devilish smile plagued his face, "Well done, go get healed. I'll have another task for you later." "Thank you," you said as you walked out of his office. You went to the local infirmary since he was the only person to help without cowering in your presence. "Well howdy, come on in. Sit on the table." He said as you walked in. You sat down at the small table, you looked around. "Your eyes, they're lighter than they were, something happen?" He questioned, as he moved to your arm, wrapping your fists in bandages. "I'm becoming more me than his slave." You said a small smile on your face. He put some healing cream on your small wounds and cuts then sent you off. You walked back to the small clearing, surprisingly King Dice was there. He was singing 'Die House'. You listened and watched as he sang, messing with a stack of cards that he held within his pearly white-gloved hands. You noticed he stopped singing so you jumped in, "I'm Mr. King Dice, heed just what I say~" A small smirk appeared on your face as you watched him jump, "The devils got his price and I'll make sure that you pay~" You didn't finish as you started laughing, he joined in. "(Y/n), why do you work for...him?" He said as he walked towards you, "N-no choice, he jumped me. He gives me an order I can't disobey." You said looking into his glowing green eyes, he was close enough where you could see the longing in his eyes. "Funny, we switched roles. I wanted to see you as a friend..but instead, I have to see you as an enemy." You looked towards the ground, he lifted your head slightly, "No, you can change, just like I did." HIs charming smile made you blush. You stepped back and covered your ears. He was confused, but you heard a loud high pitched ring that echoed in your ears. "I-I have to g-go!" You said quickly, stumbling to get up, rushing into the forest. Dice stepped forward, his arm slightly extended, but he dropped it. A soft sigh left his lips as he walked to Cuphead and Mug's house. The following day Hilda Berg, Goopy, the Cup brothers, and Dice marched to the devil's casino. They barged in, each standing so you could see everyone there. You were shocked, as you jumped to your feet. The Devil only smiled, "Whats this?" he hissed, scanning the room of people. "You're outnumbered, we're here for (Y/n). Give her to us." Cuphead said. You looked at King Dice, his smile was cocky yet charming. The Devil growled, "Fine (Y/n), go." You blinked, the red haze covered your eyes once again, you ran at King Dice as you strike your hands together causing them to engulf into the fiery (f/c) flames. You were shocked, the others started to attack the Devil, leaving you to fight Dice, but he never attacked. "Snap out of it!" He would yell as he blocked and avoided your punches. He punched you, not on purpose but it knocked you to the floor. He used this to his advantage, he pinned you down not allowing you to move. You looked up at him, the red haze over your glossy (e/c) eyes struck him in the heart. He leaned in panting a soft and sadden kiss on your soft lips. You froze, eyes widened. You realized then, you loved him. Working for the devil or not you wanted to be with him. You loved his voice, his eyes, his charm, you loved him. A small snap was heard as you kissed him back. He broke for air, he smiled down at you. He let you go as you sat up, "I love you." you said, pulling him in for a hug. He gladly accepted and embraced you. You heard the devil yell out in anger, he threw his trident towards the both of you. You saw the trident before Dice so you pushed him away. The trident ripped though your right arm, causing you to cry out in pain. The devil walked towards you, his eyes glowing a fiery red. Then out of nowhere Cuphead ran behind you, jumped up, and released a large energy blast from his head, sending the Devil flying. The devil growled, then disappeared. The others rejoiced and hugged each other that was before they saw Dice trying to dislodge the trident from your arm. You were crying into your left hand, growling as he removed the trident. He tossed it to the side, before pulling you into his embrace. You smiled, then looked at the others that circled you, "I-I do believe we started off on the wrong hand, my name's (y/n)." Each looked at each other before introducing themselves. Dice picked you up, carrying you too the doctors. You melted in his arms, and nuzzled into his stomach.

Later that night

You were snuggled into his chest, he was smiling as he curled around you. "I love you." You mumble into his chest, he kissed the top of your head, "I love you to darling." He said as he hooked his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him. You didn't fight but winced slightly when he put a little too much pressure on your casted arm. He noticed and picked your arm up gently, he then proceeds to leave a trail of kisses down your arm before kissing your shoulder, neck, then lips. You were so happy you never wanted the moment to end.

(Sorta Went Over Kill With This But I Like It)

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