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King Dice x Zombie Reader

"Run! Come on!" The words rang in your ears as you put your full weight on the wooden door. Your small group of friends had been cornered, forced to cross the unstable bridge the swung gently in the wind. You let the cup brothers and Devil go before you because if you moved the door would fling open, letting the horde below you onto the rooftop. "Run, ill hold the door," Dice said as he jogged to you, you pushed him back before slamming your weight on it once more, "Dice run, I'll run right after you okay." Dice had a look of horror and trust on his face, he gave you a very quick kiss before he walked the dangerous bridge, but something wasn't right. One rope snapped, it was in front of you, deciding on what to do you raced from the door and grabbed the snapped rope. A thick fog covered the gap between your group and you, it didn't matter. They knew your fate when they heard your scream. "No!" Dice yelled as your scream slowly faded away into nothing but an echo, the cup brothers pulled him from the bridge urging him to move, they were asking him to leave his newlywed fiancée as food for those damn monsters. That was your last memory, his heartbreaking scream, no, plea for you. You weren't dead long, they horde moved one, you had been torn in places but you weren't that bad. Your side was shredded, a large hole in your torso, your mouth bloodstained from your own blood, you were sickening.

It had been a couple of months, You mostly wandered but today you walked towards the Inkisle Hell Casino, you wanted to relive memories that were torn from you. Dragging your leg because a while back your keg was caught in a trap but you managed to escape it with just a large flesh wound, that caused you limp. You didn't eat people, at least you tried not to. You lived off the bigger game in the area along with abandoned corpses every now and then. The casino's doors were locked, you could hear whispers behind it, you entered the side entrance that most people didn't know existed. You entered, the casino looked fairly new except some flipped tables, some of the carpet stained with crusted blood, some walls had holes and breaks in them. You took maybe three steps when two cups tackled you. The three of you hit the floor as you didn't expect it, "I'm sort miss We-" he cut himself off when he saw what I was. He then screamed along with CupHead. 'Great.' You thought as you watched them scrambled back, you put a finger over your mouth trying to silence them but yet you failed. You heard two sets of footsteps, loud thundering footsteps then soft clicking footsteps. You got to your feet and turned around, they stood there. Devil And Dice. Dice's breathing faltered when he saw, Devil merely stepped back allowing him to take this one. You and Dice stood there, your dull lifeless eyes meeting his lively jade eyes, tears welled in his eyes as he saw the small silver ring that still remained on your hand after months of decay. "(Y/n)..." he mumbled as his tears fell down his face. You decided to slowly walk forward, you could feel the magic gathering within him, readying for an attack. You stood mere feet in front of him when you grabbed on to his torso, you weren't hurting him, you were listening. You pulled him to you, resting your head on his chest listening, a small smile broke your straight face. You heard his heart beat loudly in his chest as you grip tightened slightly around his waist. Dice could do nothing but stand there, he was in utter hysteria, so many different emotions flooded him, but he winced slightly. You removed your arms from his waist, then noticed the small cut that you sharp nail had made. Your eyes widened slightly, your mouth watered at the smell of fresh blood, you ground your teeth as you fought the sudden urge to maul him. You limped backward as the Devil walked forward towards you, but Dice stopped him, whispered something then looked at you. You stayed there, chained to the front door as a repellent almost. But they were starving you, each time they came back they were drenched with blood or had found a survivor who had been injured, each time you lunged at them wanting, no wrong word, needing something to eat. You lunged at Dice each time, not only because you were starving but so he knew the suffering he was putting you though, and each time guilt hit him hard. It was late at night, sometime during the morning hours, you paced as far as you could before you were gently tugged back, Dice was pulling on your chain, you stumbled towards him, questioning what he was doing when you saw him remove his tie and pull down his collared shirt, revealing a large portion of his neck, "Go on..." he said quietly, you walked towards him, trying see if this was a cruel prank, he was dead serious about this. He tilted his head over, your chilling breath ghosted over his exposed neck, sending a chill down his spine. You dug your teeth into his shoulder, making sure that when removed your mouth you wouldn't tear skin or muscle. He heard his shaking groan of pain, you removed your mouth from his neck, fresh blood dripped from your chin as you covered the large open wound with your hand, he smiled as he removed the small chains from you with his remaining energy, you watched as he knelt down, more like fell down but he caught himself with his knee. You removed your now pale blood stained hand from his neck, and move it to the side of his face, his jade eyes had begun to lose their brightness as he slowly lost all of his humanity, slowly but surely he became another 'mindless' zombie. When he stood up his skin was slightly paler, the large bite wound on his neck dripped blood down onto the now freshly stained collar shirt, you both could have gone in and killed the rest of the small group but you didn't, you walked hand in hand away from the casino, leaning on each other as you walked. "I...love..y-you." You said quietly as you both walked, your voice was almost gone due to the months of decay. "I love you too." He said, his words seemed breathy, that was due to the large hole in his throat...but he didn't care, he was overjoyed with the fact that he could live 'peacefully' with the women who first gave her life for him, then took him away so he could live with her...forever.

Well technically for a couple of years before she decays to the point where she becomes a skeleton but hey, I won't tell him other wise

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